The problem is people are using it like these troglodytes...
The problem is people are using it like these troglodytes...
It all sounds great, but what “smooth San Diego roads” do you speak of? Been living here for almost 2 years and I feel like I’m off-roading in a lowered car 90% of the time.
Well now the camera is sideways. Getting dizzy.
As an Abarth owner for going on 4 years now I love the car, I love the 1.4L Turbo Multiair and the tuning aftermarket options, and I know that the horsepower and torque outputs will be greatly increased almost immediately for relatively low cost, but there is one thing that is bothering me more than the power...
I think you’re missing a ‘not’ in the sentence, “Check out the drone’s perspective, as long as you’re prone to motion sickness.” Unless its a cruel joke, which I can get behind.
I’ve had my Abarth for nearly 4 years now, I’ve had it serviced at 3 different Fiat dealers in its life and none of the experiences have been completely smooth. They’ve misdiagnosed, failed to complete a simple job, argued with me about my warranty (I’m modified), or my personal favorite lifting it improperly and…
These games hold such a special place in my heart, maybe is the nostalgia of it all, but I love them all.
The movies on the other hand are complete dog poo. I saw the first one and was done, amazed they could afford another.
I went as far as to cancel my limited pre-order and switched to the standard after playing the beta of The Division. It was fun, but not sure about its staying power. I will spend the money I saved on Hitman, which has never steered me wrong.
It’s a shame achieving the so-called “American Dream” is frowned upon by so many. Wal Mart started as a small local shop, provided low prices and expanded to the retail giant they are now. Maybe they have questionable business practices or what have you. But our market is based on competition. Wal Mart won, deal with…
I knew when I woke up this morning I sensed a disturbance in the force...
I totally and wholeheartedly agree about the Daily Show in its present form. Trevor is just bland. They had so many better options already in the cast to choose from, how they landed on him has to be one of those show business dark secrets.
I love the look of the Miata more than the Fiata, but this chassis, same interior, same handling characteristics, same nearly everything except having that fantastic 1.4L Multiair Turbo under the hood is a huge selling point for me going towards Fiat...but I’m a tad bias as I love my 500 Abarth.
I’ve had mine going on 4 years now. I’ve loved every minute. I did my research. Jeremy Clarkson loved it and Michael Schumacher daily drove one. What other research would need to be done? A few moderately priced mods and my Abby is putting out 234whp and 252wtq.
Click play on the video above, and a voice that attempts to date rape your eardrums greets you.
Came here to say exactly that.
I don't think the GT is really a concept at this point. Seeing as Forza has it as their cover car (has never had a concept on the cover), and all the time 3d modelers and game developers spent creating the in-game version. My guess is the production GT will look just like that. But I guess only time will tell.
As a hardcore Forza fan I was disappointed with the lack of tracks on 5. Six will definitely be a vast improvement, as they will need to compete with Project Cars, which will have tons of tracks, cars, and even weather and night racing. I think FM5 was a tad rushed to meet the launch of the Xbox One.
A tad long winded.
It must run in the family, as Alfa's parent company Fiat has had plenty of ads using sex to sell cars. My personal favorite being the Seduction ad for the Abarth. Topless commercial for the Abarth Cabrio is no slouch as well. There are more where that comes from, I think its just an Italian thing. The land of…
The staunchly loyal "gearhead". And I put that in quotes, because anyone who is a gear head can find something to like about nearly any car. But it seems there is always one or more attendees who show up with their Whatever brand car, and continually cuts down everyone else's and compares it their car, but the…