
One might suppose they were counting on all the attention. Perhaps. Maybe.

“Either way, she thinks the comparison is “wonderful.””

“And what did you do this weekend, asks AP Online?”

Good point. I'm the youngest of eight, and my sisters seemed to have no problem getting pregnant. I, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. It was hard, it was emotionally draining, and it was exhausting.

“Kylie is quoted as saying she’s “scared of the day she turns 19.” And “any second, Kendall will be 20.” Seriously—it’s petrifying. [E!]”

You’re welcome. I like that they cover a lot of body information, social stuff, and home life.

Also, this book. I got it for my 8-year old and she really likes it.

Yeah, I had intense burning pain and bloody pee. It freaked me out because it came on so damn suddenly. I was glad I got to the hospital without peeing my pants.

And in other pig news from my part of the world...

I had a UTI last week. The very nice Urgent Care doctor prescribed Bactrim. The relief was insanely heavenly, but it did take a full 24 hours. My pee did not turn orange. :(

My elementary school had a “hen party” for the girls in 5th grade. It was in the evening, our moms were invited to join us. We watched a film strip with the cast of Annie talking about periods. I’m the youngest of eight, so my mom was weapy. It was uncomfortable to say the least. We all came home with a box of

I love eggs every which way. But they do not love me. Specifically, the gas they give me could kill a bear.

Have you heard of the company Hello Flo? They have a starter period kit. Expensive, but you can get a good idea of what to include in your own.

Sorry about your clotted misery.

Polarizing because to many people cilantro tastes like soap? It does to me. I've heard a person can grow to like the taste, but I don't know that I want to grow to like the taste of soap.

Please out this nonprofit. I'd like to know which to avoid.