
all you april fools bashers are just sucking the fun out of everything! geepers just cuz you get powned every year doesnt mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us..i mean come on now, its time for some great pranks! we're nerds (or i am anyway). This is the day where we get to showcase all our sweet skills right?

Nothing sir is impossible.....(as much as i want to say Tom Cruise proved that...i wont). I know i'm beating a dead horse here, but Microsoft is used to this situation. Remember when they launched xbox? Ya do you remember that? Oh or how bout Windows 7? Windows 7 was do or die and they knew it. Its the same

@DoctorThunder: as the participant of a three month long LOTR risk game, i completely agree with you. My best friend and i would play COD2 (great game back at launch) and then after a couple hours of that play risk. This went on for over three months before he killed my leader and got the luckiest card ever (gain

@Gary_7vn: When you say "the virus never happened" i am strongly, nay forcibly (pun intended) reminded of "the credits will do fine"-Qua-Gonn Jinn.....

thats semi wasn't stuck....i mean come on i live in North Frieking Dakota, stuck is when you are buried in snow. really to be truly stuck u must be bottomed out, with wheels spinning because there is NO traction whatsoever. Still it is kind of a cool video, I am merely pointing out that the semi wasn't totally and

@Aetius: nonono Now all browsers look like opera.....Opera has basically looked like this for as far back as i have used it (running on about five years now!)

@PurpleMonkeyDishwasher:: This is obviously Michael Bay's version of what Frodo should have thrown the ring into.