

Still less skunky than Heineken.

This may be an unpopular opinion in the speedrunning community, but I don’t consider it a legit speedrun if it uses glitches or exploits.  But that’s just me; anyone who likes glitched speedruns, feel free to continue liking them.

The biggest scam ever in video game history, probably one of the largest across all industries, yet people will defend this shit til the day they die and how it’s not a scam.

Damn, if they did have Mega-Ultron, it would have been the most comic book thing to exist ever at that point. I would have loved it.

That was two decades ago though.

Seriously? Off the top of my head there’s Spider-Man, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption II, Battlefield V, Black Ops 4, Fallout 76, Forza Horizon 4, Valkyria Chronicles 4, Hitman 2, Smash Bros. Ultimate plus others I’m sure I can’t think of.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings on the division.

I can deal with the occasional “Tough” enemy. But dying because a guy in a hoodie can absorb an entire magazine and beat me to death with a pipe because my gun wasn’t the right level frustrated me beyond belief.

So now 8 people can empty full mags into some dude’s head and not even scratch him.

Now playing

I rather see a Superman Nick Cage because it’s a bonkers bananas idea that you want to see it on screen.

Seriously, just let it be. Talk about a movie that absolutely doesn’t need a reboot. Best news I’ve heard all week...

Clearly y0u know something no one else does, get this man the next flight out to Hawaii.

“We Never Kill”

All the handwringing was hypocritical anyway, and Mack was the worst of all.

Now playing

After seeing the Yoda part, I can’t not post this:

Well, I know one guy who will be thrilled.

Yet another in this camp. After the switch, I even *tried* to go back to hearing Yanny, but it’s only Laurel for me now.

I agree with your husband Beth. There’s no Tremors without Michael Gross. He can’t be that busy.

I have no sympathy for anyone who gets mad that people are actually trying to play the game while they are trying to meta game it or do shit like this.