
You know, I hate to say it, but if Americans are stupid enough to get their political information from Facebook... maybe this is the outcome we deserve.

If you have a PSVR, you MUST play this. If you are planning to get a PSVR, you MUST wait until you get it to play this. Having your first playthrough of this game in VR is the most amazing gaming experience I’ve had in 30 years.

If you have a PSVR, you MUST play this. If you are planning to get a PSVR, you MUST wait until you get it to play

This is my favorite of Dukey’s works:

I mean Super compared to the rest of the Series to me honestly is just way all over the place and not a fan of having so many forms etc

I have MoviePass, and it’s amazing. Unlimited for $1 more a month? Cinemark missed the mark on this (sorry not sorry).

So I guess the big takeaway from this and Gizmodo’s front page article warning everyone not to buy an Echo is that you shouldn’t buy an Echo, but if you do, buy it from our link so Kinja can wet their beaks. 

So I guess the big takeaway from this and Gizmodo’s front page article warning everyone not to buy an Echo is that

I’m the same with Witcher 3. Bought it many months ago and haven’t touched it. Originally I told myself I wouldn’t play it until I finally finished 2. Now I’ve all but given up on that excuse and have accepted that it’s, like you said, kind of intimidating once I actually consider playing it.

If they get stopped by a stick on the moon, it will be the biggest discovery in the history of space travel.

Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.

Nah. I love a synced light show as much as the next guy, but Halloween decorations are about making things spooky and gory. The pumpkins and spiders are a bit cutesy, and the guitar and keyboard, while impressive, have absolutely nothing to do with Halloween.

I still don’t get the love for VVitch. There was no tension. There was no payoff. It was just...nothing.

If this is real, it’s footage from the most oddly-placed security camera in history. Who puts a security camera at eye level several inches out from a corridor wall?

Surely, The Flash can’t be too busy right?

I would love if Disney just kept throwing Captain Phasma in some form of trash heap every film. Then keep trying to revive the original hype around the character as they are now. It would be an awesome meta-arc for this Marketing Department developed character.

Im getting a kick out of people that are losing their minds on having the minimum wage being upped to 15$/hr thinking it will ruin the economy. Yet no one is even blinking an eye at this, as hundreds of thousands of people get laid off.

I’m...really glad you’re not in charge then?

wtb Lords of the Realm 2 remastered

I think ababyseal was more commenting on how well the PsVR Aim Controller works for FPSs in VR... (and it does work excellently.)

That is hilarious. Without thinking about it, I just assumed that Omen kid was Barron in a funny hat.