
The thing of it is that Starlord’s actions are in character. This is the guy who got into a pissing contest with Rocket over who was the better pilot that ended up crashing their ship. He has demonstrated a very distinct lack of emotional maturity in the previous movies. Starlord isn’t a villain, he’s a flawed

Rocket is still there, and if you watch carefully, Drax doesn’t die, he just stands very still until you can’t see him.

I just saw Avengers Infinity War and I got to say I had no bloody idea that Howard the Duck would be the last Infinity Stone. Mind BLOWN.

I saw it last night, and I am seeing it again on Sunday, and every weekend thereafter.

I was a little surprised that they killed off every new character and basically just left the original Avengers and a few of the others. I really didn’t expect him to get every stone in this movie, and I’m not entirely sure why. I was definitely happy with the route they went because I absolutely love gloomy endings

Internet pop culture consensus aside, I liked those films. Yeah, they have flaws, but the good far outweighs the bad. They were fun, thrilling, great adaptations.

The should reward some idiot who couldn’t put his game down to take care of the two smaller kids in the house with him? Yeah, that’s a good plan.

Amazon has started making its own deliveries. In my area they drive a fleet of white unmarked vans.

One of my coworkers who still watches this show (for some reason) has to give me recaps every week. My first reaction was wait just a freaking minute, since when does zombie blood and guts kill you?

I dunno, on one hand he was beginning to look like a good nuanced villain and I was digging it, but then they turned him into a bog standard bad guy when he’s burning all the flowers and talking about sending weapons so Wakanda can rule the world.

Man, I feel like this could swing wildly to bad or good. Ares was a craptacular villain. They need a good villain for the next one.

I gotchu, fam.

Now playing

Disappointed that Mary Poppins isn’t being played by Michael Rooker.

Shout out to 8 Bites. Definitely not a titty streamer.

Good point. You’ve sold me that Pewdiepie and Markiplier and titty streamers all suck.

No, you’re actually wrong. A male equivalent of these types of female streams isn’t getting anywhere.

Google Translate has supported that feature for a long time.

But perhaps the slickest new Bixby feature is its on-the-fly translation skills. Instead of entering characters into an app or taking a pic of a sign, all you have to do its point the S9's camera at some foreign words and it will technomagically replace the stuff you don’t understand with a language you do.

I guess we know who was in the SpaceX starman suit...

Look, I know that Son Goku is the main character. I also know that any attempt to focus on other characters and leave Goku aside (usually involving Goku’s death) have failed... but, at least, for a while the other characters mattered a little... but now, if’s really like every character in Dragon Ball has become an