Congrats on your ungraying. Evaluate your priorities. Do you need space to carry things occasionally? Do you like having the wind in your hair? Does it bother you if people in large trucks with plastic testicles on them think you are gay?
Congrats on your ungraying. Evaluate your priorities. Do you need space to carry things occasionally? Do you like having the wind in your hair? Does it bother you if people in large trucks with plastic testicles on them think you are gay?
Sad to say this is most likely the death of Top Gear as well since May and Hammond said they wouldn't do the show without Clarkson.
well...I guess that means he should start seeking other employment opportunities... I hear that website Jelopnik is hiring.
North. Fucking. Dakota.
She is the worst Prius driver in the world.
So who from Ferrari put on a Clarkson mask and punched that guy just so they wouldn't get served on international TV?
Airbus must send their executives to "shit-talking school" because it seems they can't issue a press release or talk about their products without directly talking smack about their competitor:
Doug DeMuro
In fairness the Vs were notoriously laggy.
*looks both directions*
And 100hp is sufficient for driving around in a car.
These days, 1500 HP isn't exactly unheard of if you count aftermarket stuff. But a production car with (I'm assuming) some sort of warranty, and an expectation to last more than 10,000 miles is something entirely different.