
In Florida we just passed that. I figured it was more of a states issue.

I can’t take this rollercoaster of emotion!

They should outsource the game to another studio. Period. They suck at it. Imagine like a Rockstar quality Fallout. It worked really really well for Max Payne 3. 

The birdcage behind her is amazingly perfect. Only the caged bird sings, is that seriously what she is trying to say?

When it comes to inmate rights (or anyone’s rights who isn’t white, catholic and a man) no law is “very small to fix”.

That’s what she said he said!

Jared Leto got super fucked up playing that fella who murdered that other fella who played one or two songs in the 60s and he didn’t gain nearly that much weight. Not worth ittttt.

So fresh. So clean.

GOW is great and a fine Last of Us style game that we have seen before. RDR2 is completely new and different and obviously should win.

The reasoning is bullshit. They don’t care about the health of the poor. They care about the wealthy people who would rather those homeless die in a dark alley where their corpses are out of view. The fact you “understand” the reasoning means you are a worse person than you think and it’s obvious to anyone with any

Isn’t faxing the most secure way (barring government encrypted tech) to transmit files? I assume that’s why lawyers and people sending sensitive documents still use them.

You think plants don’t feel pain? HAH!

Well that looks amazing.

Ahhhh I was thinking like Party Planner.

A couple nice fillets is still less the price of this over-hyped garbage. EAT FUCKING FOOD NOT PILLS. (Unless they’re happy pills)

Pft. I got that. Just hold my pint of fireball.

Telling the people that have incited violence and death that they deserve to feel unsafe is about as American as it comes. They deserve to be locked up. Forever. As traitors. They did it to “communists” but won’t do it to Nazis? No one is coming for your whiteness.
Due to history (slavery, lynching, mass murder of

Yeah hug a nazi you fucking pussy.

Good thing I never paid off my massive Paypal credit bill. Just one more year of avoiding creditors and I am home free. Dumbass card doesn’t even touch your credit.

So...basically nothing.