

TL;DR :group of black people commit a minor offence. are totally unable to compromise when given a complaint. instantly grab prone for “got the white devil on camera” moment, internet wakanda warriors on the case to find and post private information because the white devil must be destroyed.

Does anyone have a photo of Donda West in patient clothes or examination room?

“Real Madrid spends more time on the golf course than in training. SAD.”

The Fun Police have arrived.

You’re not even allowed to fill your own gas tank.

I can defend subs for many anime. But Japanese Goku and Vegeta just plain don’t sound right. Full stop.

Guess its (sic) unpopular response time:

Look we’re all just horrible, disgusting creatures and every single thing on television, in the movies, on the internet, or anywhere else is sexist/racist/discriminating in some way or fashion. Every. Single. Thing. 100% no exceptions. Also every single object on the planet is dangerous to your health and should be

Here’s an idea. Get fucked.

The above “article” is an ad. It’s a fucking ad. Don’t be dense.

Weird, you guys usually clearly mark the sponsored content.

I fail to see the issue, provided that they don’t give an advantage in competitive play.

I feel violated

Y’know, just no. I’m getting really sick of this franchise and their region locking. I shouldn’t have to wait seven years for a localized version!

So edgy

Those dang millennials investing in avocados, and not diamonds!

Because Publishers (Take Two Interactive, in this case). Developers have no say on this stuff. Publishers (the one’s putting up the money) prod incessantly for a dev team to commit to a binary release date in order to give the marketing and PR wings some landing strip for promotional blowout, to generate interest from

That is not equality, that is just compassion because you feel bad because you heard their story.