You’re posting on Kotaku, champ. You are also one of those monsters.
You’re posting on Kotaku, champ. You are also one of those monsters.
Nice to check in every once in a while to see this site is just as racist as ever.
“that’s the theory”
Holy shit. Imagine getting pissy because they added an optional setting for deaf people in a video game.
Genuinely don’t get the problem, and this also makes me hate the internet.
Why would they change anything if you people are still playing 14 SEASONS IN?? What was one day going to do?
I’ve never really played the multiplayer but have gotten every Call of Duty to play their campaigns, but I haven’t been able to finish the last two campaigns. They took out all the fast paced action you expect from these games and replaced it with these long drawn out follow missions. It’s so baffling.
Where does it fall ethically to report on leaked footage?
No doubt you’re the kind of person that puts 100 hours into beating a boss in a souls game, but will whine about having a too much content in an Assassin’s Creed game you haven’t even played.
you’ll still be first in line to buy the new game and we all know it.
You’re right, but you’re arguing with a wall.
That’s Kotaku baby.
You have zero clue what you’re talking about. You just want free shit and are trying to mask it as altruism.
“their audio history”
I mean, they are well within their right. Don’t use shit that isn’t yours.
Oof, swing and a miss champ.
The game wasn’t fun, everything outside of the game was fun. The GAME was slow walking, fetch quests, and bush sneaking. Outside of the game was motorcycle riding and zombie hunting.
So don’t play it?
it takes place in the High Republic, the fuck are you talking about?
lol what a dumb take