
For a good example of why Yellow Paint may be necessary, watch a Streamer play the We Sing level of Alan Wake 2.

Yup! Fixed. Thanks for catching. 

No.  This is not the topic to try to go “but on the other hand”.  THERE IS NO OTHER HAND.  The toxicity needs to stop, end of conversation.

There’s not much point in using subjective taste as a metric for whether something is stacked or not. Better to use objective metrics. Of the 7 games on this list, 4 are launching day one on Game Pass. That’s pretty impressive.

that’s not true there’s also some ancillary covid filler.

This review barely has any focus on the differences between game versions, which is kind of a waste since we can just read the general reviews from four years ago.

Yes, how dare she not act amused by an extremely lame, tired, cliched joke that wasn’t even slightly funny!

I mean...but the joke wasn’t funny. It’s not that she’s humorless about herself. She was humorless about a joke that wasn’t funny. I was also humorless about that joke even though I can be very humorous about Taylor Swift.  Did you laugh at the joke?

I wonder if women get briefed by developers/publishers when they’re hired to act or model for a game, if they’re at all made aware of what will happen in social media as a consequence of being hired. I wonder if, whoever will end up being cast as Abby in HBO’s adaptation of The Last of Us, she will be made aware that,

I’ll miss NFT’s for the only reason that I enjoyed the drama lol

I’ve never understood the idea that you get satisfaction out of failing and eventually succeeding.”

I played the Alex Jones game so you don’t have to. AMA.

Before Starfield, before Skyrim, before Fallout 3 and Oblivion, before your parents even knew how to make you, there was The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.”

before your parents even knew how to make you, there was The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.”

Horror is cheap and unfortunately with the success of crap like Blood and Honey, you don’t need even a decent budget to be extremely profitable.

Sonic? not ughh...amy? huh..are you suggesting more women look up video game porn than men? i find that hard to believe

Drop a million dollars in my lap and I might be able to retire a few years early. Drop a billion dollars in my lap, and I can live like a king for 500 years. There is absolutely no use for a billion dollars except for taking food out of the mouths of millions of people. It’s not enough for them to be rich - others

This. It’s a flawed game, but a great one nonetheless. Even though I agree that the combat is not the main strength of it, everything else I absolutely enjoyed.

Or people just have different opinions? “One YouTuber hated this game so everyone else is wrong”. Don't be so dramatic.

They aren’t paid enough to do investigative journalism.