Aaron Tom

PEARL HARBOR. I'll never forget the sinking feeling I got when I asked my friend (who had seen it already and loved it) how much time was left, only to be greeted by his wristwatch, which revealed there were still 90 minutes remaining.

800 pounds? That's a lot of CDs.

Good call, man. Never heard of this one, but downloaded it and am using it now. Very simple and really cool. Thanks!

I saw some free ones, too, but was a little nervous about using those. If they work just as well, you don't have to tell me twice! Thanks!

I've seen some free ones, too, but heard some negative things about them. So free is fine?

That's actually one I was eying, so that's good to know. Thanks!

Good to know! Once my welfare check comes in the mail for this month, I'm immediately going to subscribe.

On a more serious note, does anyone here use a VPN to access other regions' Netflix catalogues? Is it worth the $5 or so per month?

Piranha 3D took place during spring break.

Leave HBO out of this! We all know that's not the reason you want to blow me.

I'm just glad they noticed the terrible "Game of Tacos" Chili's ads that permeated my Twitter feed last night. I remember when marketing required at least an imagination…

I signed up for HBO Now using my in-laws hand-me-down iPhones. I guess the moral is, you don't have to be wealthy, just lucky.

I know, I know, these lists are all subjective. But "Cabin in the Woods" is one of the most overrated pieces of tripe I've ever seen. It was neither funny, nor scary, nor entertaining.

I'd vote "Pig Destroyer" for at least a runner-up. When they stick to straight up "grindcore", they're amazing ("Prowler in the Yard", "Terrifyer" to name full albums), but have also shown their sound still remains solid when stretched out into longer song lengths ("Book Burner", "Phantom Limb"). But what really

Whoops, sorry! You lost me at PG-13.

Hey, you leave my mother out of this!

I don't really know him, but he seems to be a real down-to-Earth dude. I follow him on Twitter, and saw he was collecting pledges a couple years ago for some bike ride he was doing to help fight cancer. I wanted to help out, because I love Faith no More, but barely had any money, so I just donated $5.

I still own a vast majority of these. They're up in my mom's attic. Loved them when I was a kid, but can't remember much about any of them now. I might have to spend a weekend re-reading them.

Not if you carry a picture of your grandma in your wallet at all times.