Aaron Stormageddon

why. do. they. care? seriously. have they forgotten that they make their money from children's toys?

Kids can't deal with the breaks. How many kids do you know would rather binge and then get nothing for months of their boring child lives rather than have the comfort and joy of watching their favourite show every week after school?
I honestly don't know anyone under the age of like 16 who watches the show, and even

No, it's not crucial to it's success. The quality of the show is what is crucial. You can milk anything if you screw people around, it's called blackmail.

c'mon, you know you want to… it's less depressing when most of it has already come true

I don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't think it improved on second, third, or umpteenth viewing

patriots are too dumb to get the irony

isn't everyone agreed that the show's moral stance got better over time? i've watched it all multiple times and i'm a pretty damn 'politically correct' gen Y.
yes, there's sexism, racism, homophobia, and depending on the writer, some of it contextual, some of it just there 'for the laffs', but unlike most shows at the

chillax? lol ok, you're the one stanning for Broad City like it's the most revolutionary thing ever, writing paragraphs after paragraphs and making personal attacks and gaslighting anyone who makes a criticism of a freaking television show

Key information:
- Executive Producer Amy Poehler publicly endorses Hillary Clinton.
- Comedy Central's parent company Viacom is a major
donor to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

ok, here's some context for you: executive producer Amy Poehler publicly endorses Hillary Clinton, not to mention the fact that Comedy Central's parent company Viacom is a major donor to the Hillary Clinton campaign

That's weird, most people go the other way when they realise how much of a prick Morrissey is…

ok you try doing that outside of a TV set

ha right ok buddy

I mean, in the fantasy land this show is obviously set in…

Obama just got grey and wrinkled. Hillary seems to absorb war crimes like an elixir…

yes, because rattling off talking points with no punchline is totes ambiguous…

they are characters. created by real people. those real people obviously love Hillary. I can tell you, if I was making an ironic statement like that, it would've been obvious

it's worse than you could possible imagine… i think the show's dead for me, it's been a steady slide downhill since the rapey episode

Maggie Thatcher YAAAAS KWEEN

Judging by the positive comments here I think it worked…