"In this film we hope to show how not to be seen. This is Mr. E.R. Bradshaw of Napier Court, Black Lion Road London SE5. He can not be seen. Now I am going to ask him to stand up. Mr. Bradshaw will you stand up pleas.." -Monty Python
Would love to see more board game coverage.
A Longhair always spays his debts...
Agreed! One of the best movie going experiences I've had in many years was when I saw an advance screening of a movie I knew nothing about. The movie wasn't bad, wasn't great, but wasn't bad. Because I knew nothing going in the film had to prove itself to me on it's own merits. The movie was Equilibrium.
I give it 20 years ([]!_%28comics%29)
I have to go with those who suggest Vader force grab the SS. Or he could force grab the Doctor and ‘ragdoll’ him against the walls a few dozen times.