
As another white woman with long hair (even braided, it now reaches my backside), I had pretty much given up on swim caps until the next time I decide to cut my hair. This cap intrigues me. I looked it up, and was impressed: it comes in three sizes to cover a wide range of African hairstyles; you and I with long but

Just here to support this. Marfan’s comes with joint pain and dislocations, and the possibility of things like retinal detachment and sudden death due to arterial dissection, among other things. As a person with a (different) connective tissue disorder, I work out to support my joints so that I don’t fall apart. It’s

Okay, a couple of things. While there has been speculation about this subject, Michael Phelps himself has denied that he has Marfan Syndrome with test results supporting him on that. Additionally even if Phelps has the visible symptoms of the syndrome, it has been pointed that it is very unlikely that he could compete

For real. I am a white woman with very, very long hair presently. I have a hell of a time fitting it in a cap easily without it feeling like it will crush my skull. My hair is stick straight. Likewise, my head is small enough to wear child-size bike helmets. I have no idea how someone with hair that is textured or

Banning Soul Cap is stupid. I used to swim competitively back in high school. Nowhere remotely near Olympic quality, but I swam enough to know that a larger cap would not give you a competitive advantage; it would in fact be a *disadvantage* because it would slightly increase your drag.

You are aware that pretty much every musician is influenced by other musicians right? That's not a new thing. 

This headline is a bad take.

The Root has a journalistic responsibility to revise this headline. To reduce Dave’s obvious tribute and appreciation for Disco’s influence on him to white privilege is, frankly unethical.

I love how the term white privilege really ruffles people feathers. White privilege isn’t bad in itself, the problem is the lack of self awareness people with privilege have. Dave is being self aware of his white privilege and using it to big up those he borrowed from.

I think we’re all sleeping on the part where he casually says Tony Thompson came over to his place for a BBQ. Who else was there? Was there a jam session? Was it BYOB? I want to go to there. 

Aw man, when I first started playing drums in the early 90s, I was way into total white boy funk ... but as I started to explore their influences and landed on Clyde ... mind blown. Of course I’d heard James Brown having grown up in the south but it wasn’t till then that I REALLY listened.

What absolute trash is that headline. White Privilege?

I’m sorry, but is there supposed to be something wrong with what Dave said? All musicians are thieves. The evolution of all music is based on stealing licks from those who came before you. Every drummer of every color should steal from players as great as Tony Thompson, and Dave gave him his flowers.

Smells Like White Privilege Being Properly Used For Once To Pay Respects To Black Artists” isn’t nearly as succinct or catchy of a headline, but it would’ve been a helluva lot more accurate.

Musicians are inspired by other more talented musicians. That’s all Grohl said. He said that he isn’t the greatest percussionist ever, and his inspiration came from Black groups. What’s the problem? If you interviewed Eminem, he would probably say that he was inspired by Black artists too, guess we should be

I guess I better stop studying Clyde Stubblefield because it would be considered stealing. Maybe I should stop listening to Ziggy Modeliste all together.

I would love to hear an example of a musician that learned in a vacuum with zero influences.

Celebrated punk musician?

I like the story, but the headline is a little misleading I know, it was a play on the Nirvana song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (not bad...), but it has nothing to do with White privilege. It’s just about musicians. ALL musicians do that.

With Davidson it wasn’t much of an issue at all.

Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear set the bar for this well before he started dating Pamela.