Aaron Couch

If we were doing Upworthy style headlines it would've read: "A Blogger Thought He Knew All of the Windows Tools, But What He Found Might Shock You." Honestly I disagree that this headline is click-baiting at all, but at least you're being respectful about your criticism.

In fact, the first words out of your mouth during an encounter in which you are legally armed should be along the lines of "I need to inform you that I have a concealed handgun license, and that I am armed."

You could keep your weapon out of plain slight, but if you have a CHL and have the weapon in your vehicle, you must inform the police officer that you have a weapon in the car. (at least that is how the law operates in Texas)

Thought I would add a picture to make it clearer

Umm am I missing something but doesn't google's flight information do one better and give you a Graph of fairs over time?

Why does each space feature apple workstations?

I lot more Macs than I expected...

Can you remember the last time you actually used the Print Screen key? Or Caps Lock, or Insert, or, Pause Break? Most of us can't, so why not turn those keys into something more useful? You can remap any key to another one with a tool like SharpKeys, or give them new functions altogether with programs like AutoHotkey

I think YOU just realized you embarrassed yourself on the internet. Sarcasm doesn't translate well to you over the interwebz does it?

Can't believe you guys forgot the most significant free improvement - downloading more RAM. I can now open about 30 tabs of YouTube with no problems.

Make up your mind :P

Vote: Republic Wireless

Confidence isn't knowing. Confidence is believing. I know a lot of confident people who have no competence. Doesn't stop them from living in their self inflated bubble.

@matttrick: Wow. You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?