
The problem with that argument is that the current scripts being made aren’t even good by formulaic standards. A formulaic story told with solid structure is superior to a formulaic story told without solid structure. If the latter manages somehow to be good, then you’re getting into experimental filmmaking territory

What’s ridiculous about this is that flaws in a screenplay are the easiest part of a movie to fix. All you need is a copy of Final Draft, and even on big-budget productions rewrites should not cost you that much compared to the total amount spent on the film. If it does, then your project is ill-advised.

It’s quite easy, actually. I felt the same way while watching Star Trek: Into Darkness. There’s a point where so much is going on that, apparently, the director forgets to make you care.

Entirely correct. This story is not a story. It is clickbait, pure and simple.

And is therefore at home anywhere in space!

I was thinking much the same thing. The cross-section doesn’t resemble any historical sword I know of (I suppose it’s roughly hexagonal?), it isn’t fullered, there is no tang, no different inner and outer layers of steel, and that curve is full of kinks and flaws. Moreover, is it just me, or do those cutting tests

Well, seeing as this was on the coast, it would appear this man has braved the shore of life and merely existed.

Let’s not also forget that they are changing showrunners. The last time they did that, they took a year off. Of course, they also managed to pump out a handful of specials then.

Who needs the Infinity Gauntlet when you have a TARDIS? I bet the TARDIS could nullify the Infinity Gauntlet just by reversing the polarity.

When life gives you lemons, make lemon grenades.

And that’s why we need to eat them before they eat us. I hear they’re tasty.

Even if you had the habitat module rotate against something fixed, wouldn’t the added complexity be relatively small compared to the benefit—especially if the rotational mechanism were properly designed? (Of course, seeing as the vessel isn’t supposed to have active artificial gravity in the middle of a burn, I

Because n-dimensional space-time manifolds. Obviously.

The call is yours, as always.

Chalk it up to freedom of speech and leave it at that.

Churchill’s role in World War II does not make him a saint, nor beyond reproach. Do remember that, a few years earlier, he’d looked upon the fascists with admiration.

It’s quite the pity, because Capaldi is my favorite of the bunch. I don’t believe his episodes are written as well as the earlier Doctors’ (with Season 8 being uneven and Season 9 being generally pretty bland, with some notable exceptions), but I like what they are trying to do with him. I hope that Season 10

Really? Because it was a Season 2 episode that hooked me.

EDIT: Oh. Apparently you were talking about Heroes. Never mind. :P


Not if it’s rancid.