
In Overwatch, the party compositions being mixed characters and the fact that you can play it over and over make it so you are never actually interacting with the story. You don't exist in it, you just learn about characters (which are great). In fortnite though, I always get the sense that the world of BR i's hiding


What if... Half-Life 3 IS Star Citizen???

Thank you so, so much. I’ve just made my first appointment for a therapist. It may seem silly, but your help here has inspired me to tackle this issue head on instead of fearing what therapy might do. You’ve made a real difference in my life, and I wish the best in yours. Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you. I actually haven’t served. My PTSD was acquired from some pretty intense gang violence in my youth. I wasn’t a gangster, but my brother and I were targeted by gangs. It was hard enough surviving the violence let alone the depression and suicidal ideas. The hardest part for me in this healing process is

I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but how did you take that first step to get help? I’ve been living with PTSD for several years now, and I’m just too afraid to go see a therapist. I have a hard time identifying what it even is. I’m just scared.