Aaron Martin-Colby

Yep. After the buyout from Match, first we lose the OkCupid blog, and now this.

Channellock tools are all made in the USA as well. I have a whole set of their wrenches and love them.

Animated GIF expressing something abstract.

As many below have pointed out, the Xperia line has many small, excellent phones. The Sola, U, and Pro are all under 4". I was using an X8 for a long time and have since moved to the Sola and like it very much.

I liked VII well enough, but I was always a Grandia fanboy. I barely finished VII, but Grandia, and to a lesser degree Grandia II, ate up a significant hunk of my life.

I agree with lunchcoma on a number of points, but I definitely find life in prison for groping someone to be harsh. While this end is unlikely, the fact that it's on the table at all seems absurd.

Well... That sucked.

If this guy is a lover of fonts, he would know that the differences between Apple's and Microsoft's typefaces are, in the world of typefaces, pretty significant.

I wonder if I Instagrammed this thread, would I go back in time and end up back at the original post?

Oh wow! That's what that did? I have distinct memories of people doing that and had no idea what they were doing at the time. You have answered a mystery that went unanswered for so long, I had forgotten it was a mystery.

The good ol' days. I remember some of the earliest piracy that I ever did. My dad and I were members of a Commodore 64 club, where everyone would share whatever they got their hands on. I got a disk with games that I had never even heard of! Like Q*Bert... which I would learn to hate... Fuckin' Q*Bert.

I suspect that app piracy isn't about dodging the cost, but being able to simply futz around with a product and all available software. For example, back in my pirating days, I downloaded dozens of programs that I MAY have used once. I would usually uninstall them the very next day. It wasn't about avoiding the cost

Yes on both accounts. First, you provide a false dichotomy. Either a quiet racist, writing in a closet, or a mass-murderer. There are many layers of behavior in between those. In any age, at any time, Hitler would be seen as a shocking monster. Only at the lower end of the behavior spectrum does a consideration of the

You misunderstand me. I am not talking about the philosophical concept of morality. In fact, my argument has little to do with morality and everything to do with society.

He's the very reason for the existence of the term "product of his times." We criticize people, at least partially, on moral terms in relation to the time in which they worked.

I think that there are lots of very measured, level-headed reviews done by people who simply like audio. Seek them out and avoid anyone who gives off an air of self-importance in their writing. "Anything But Ipod" has great reviews, including many super-cheap Chinese buds for which he has had nothing but praise.

I have had my Future Sonics Atrios for years and would never give them up. No other single-driver buds can match them.

That's some damn fine musing. I hadn't thought of it from that perspective. Regardless, I think you really nail the point that simply labeling as "spite" what could be a very complex set of emotions and thoughts isn't a very good idea.

I think that this is a bad choice of situation for the experiment. Coming from experience, I know precisely where the spite originates: frustration. I am bidding on something and the actions of another person are preventing me from achieving that desire. All animals, not just humans, act mean when frustrated.

I'm glad that Russia took the time to remind all of us that it still sucks. I was beginning to forget.