Your phrasing seemed to be referring to actual high school kids coming out as asexual, especially as a reply to the guy who said the identity was a fad for fat virgins. I'm glad it wasn't!
Your phrasing seemed to be referring to actual high school kids coming out as asexual, especially as a reply to the guy who said the identity was a fad for fat virgins. I'm glad it wasn't!
Blanket questioning the motives of people trying to figure out their identity seems like a hugely counterproductive waste of energy to me.
Are you suggesting that all contrasting public figures aren't exactly as bad as each other??
“It’s not Jimmy who peed in the punchbowl."
So many great lines and character moments in these episodes.
"You know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very good tailor."
I think the problem is there's nowhere to go after the finale. All the best DS9 films would have to be set during the Dominion War — even if you bring Sisko back (which is a great hook for a film), there's nothing for him to do unless you undo the Dukat/Pah-wraiths resolution to some extent. Even if I don't think that…
Yeah, I was thinking of their superb track record with two-parters. Improbable Cause / The Die is Cast gets my nod — more compelling than any TNG film, and the plot's focus features only one actual member of the main cast.
Whenever I see an article ranking/discussing the original run of Trek movies, I just imagine what a DS9 movie could've been like, given a chance.
Fallon's Tonight Show has definitely cemented the Jay Leno style of late night hosting - broad, unchallenging, and allergic to taking a stand on anything remotely polarizing. He knows (and NBC knows) there's an audience for a show that consistently avoids political tension, even if it has to discard all substance to…
"It'll be the first time the 21 gun salute shoots the coffin."
This was my problem with the show, too. Panel discussions need time to get going, and all the irony, ballbusting, and scripted punchiness that comes with comedy seemed like a barrier to getting much out of them. It might be possible to do both at the same time, but I don't think they complement each other.
I've been speedrunning 5 for a couple years and the stuff you can do with Super Arrow is beyond fun. Such a good game.
I'd also like to say how nice it is to read a classic Mega Man retrospective that doesn't act like everything after MM3 was embarrassing, derivative and/or universally hated. I always preferred the later NES titles, even as a kid who played 2 and 3 first.
Interesting fact, the "I am more than a robot! Die Wily!" line was added for the US translation. In the Japanese version, he simply says ". . . . . . ." when Wily reminds him that robots can't harm humans.
Super Mario 64 just barely missed being the best Mario game released in 96.
"Mr. Trump, could you use my question as an opportunity to regurgitate your favorite slogans and soundbites for a moment?"
He had to convince them to intervene, after explaining linear time and justifying the worth of a finite corporeal existence to beings that saw it as cyclically destructive. Also, he was planning to take on 2400 Dominion ships on his own before the Prophets were like "dude, what are you doing?"
Picard and Sisko were doing two very different things as Captains — Picard as an explorer and ambassador, Sisko as an administrator and war strategist. Overall I think the stakes were higher for what Sisko was doing, and I feel like he was in over his head less often than Picard. The Enterprise caused a lot of damage…
I hope you'll be voting for downticket candidates even if you don't feel like you can vote for Clinton - as bad as those policies are, the 2010 and 2014 election results did quite a lot of damage as well.
(Look for a story from Teti soon on that delightful windbag.)