
I think the proportion is off a lot of the time, but it's fair for people to critique stray comments once they're out there. It bothers me when people seem more interested in updating their enemies list than in actually talking about the issue.

That's still the prime example for a comedian whining about political correctness because people didn't think a joke was funny, at least for me. There's some truth to the idea of overzealous social jutsice critiques in comedy and elsewhere, but he was so miffed that the audience couldn't see how obviously hilarious

what did you think of the movie

It was even sillier than that IMO, the way she phrased it was "Santa just is white" and "he is what he is", like if someone wanted to imagine Santa as black, they'd be incorrect, but that maybe a Black Santa could be created.

Holy cow. The SNL skit for this show would be so easy that Fox News should get a commission for setting it up for them.

I rolled my eyes a little bit, mostly because the "if you do any of these things, fuck you" list is a self-important and cliched format. As a liberal shithead, I think it's good to call these attitudes out and if this gesture helps anyone dealing with that kind of antagonism, who cares if *I* thought it was kinda lame.

As far as I can tell, they aren't trying to ban anyone, just making it clear who (and more importantly, whose attitudes) they don't want.

Ooh, that's a good* one.

I dunno, it doesn't make any sense to me to declare an issue vitally important, then vote for someone who's diametrically opposed to you because they won't win. Johnson getting 10% of the vote empowers the libertarian agenda for the next few election cycles, and if they capitalize on that, they're able to use all

Are you planning to vote for downticket candidates? I understand people not wanting to support Hillary if they don't have to on progressive principle, but when they talk about totally staying home, it gives us elections results like 2010 and 2014, and then it doesn't matter who's in the White House.

Killary, Shillary, Shrillary, Hill-lie-ary, there's probably more I can't remember seeing now

I think the puzzling part there is, If you think health care doesn't belong on the free market and emphasize the need for single payer, voting for a libertarian doesn't make much sense.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be a total dismissal of the concept, but that was my initial takeaway. I do agree that games made a shift away from punishing the player in such heavy-handed ways, I just think too many things are considered heavy-handed punishment in retro-style platformers, and possibly brought that into the

I dunno if I buy that the past 20+ years of video games (mostly?) only use instant-death hazards when they're referencing 8-bit or 16-bit level design conventions. I think there's a tendency to lump a broad range of platforming conventions together as "retro homages" when people review modern platformers and it's

On one hand, it digs up and reanimates rightly long-dead frustrations of the NES era, like instantly fatal environmental hazards

I suspect the target audience for the movie will be younger than the first public release of the game.

Yeah, I mean I understand it to an extent, and I agree that Mirror's Edge wasn't the most compelling story that badly needed resolution. It's very subjective whether it's the right choice for a universe or not, but I'd argue that in a lot of recent cases, it's a cynical move to declare years or decades' worth of

Sometimes it's the better option to reboot, but I'm generally skeptical about bringing back a property that ended on a cliffhanger and choosing to reroll from scratch. It shows a disdain for the source and a lack of commitment to a franchise. There's no reason to get invested if no one bothers to offer any closure

I suspect if Half-Life is ever seen again, it'll be as a reboot. "Who even remembers the Half-Life 2 universe? We don't need to finish that story, let's just go back to Black Mesa again"