Aaron Engel

Not surprised to see that most comments here talk about Olenna's scene. I thought it was the only worthwhile scene in this whole slog of an episode.

Sam was going to say "A Song of Ice and Fire" to the meister, not Game of Thrones. That's what I thought anyway.

Variety reports that DNA was the Kendrick song. WHAT IS THE TRUTH?

Writers' strike, I suppose.

Alan Alda is rising to the level of legendary, and it's only the second episode. Omg.

Yeah, it crossed my mind…

Willibald is the third, although Beocca taking his role isn't that much of a stretch (like Pyrlig, who's a briton and a natural warrior).

They're trying to merge THREE priests from the books into just one: Beocca. This makes things a little complicated, since one of them is a warrior.

Well, you corrected the same sentence than me, but the wrong word. His name is actually Guthrum.

Jaws is also mentioned in this episode.

Thank you for clarifying my dejá vù moment!

I sang the whole chorus way after the scene ended. MVP of the episode.

Spoiler alert…? I'm not sure.

Do I know you?

I literally jumped from my bed when his face appeared. So much wasted talent from The Wire…

Well, look who's here!

Noah Baumbach? Holy crap, you have some imagination.

Just one foreigner question: what's so bad about the saturday night?

This remembers me of Hannibal's speech about that church where people were praising God and he "sent" a lightning storm or some shit to kill them. You know, really ironic stuff.

Probably, since no one seemed to care.