Aaron Dinkin

I often wonder how much the people who plan the awards show itself—the order in which the awards are presented, the spacing of the performances, etc.—know about who's going to win. There are often a lot of programming decisions made that seem to make more sense if they're made by people who know who the winners are.

Was it the first ASL performance at the Tonys? I thought they had a performance from the ASL production of Big River a few years ago.

You wouldn't say "Oh, how long have you lived in Canada? I moved to Toronto three years ago." Because I sure would. But not any characters on Orphan Black. The writers deliberately avoid mentioning what city Sarah lives in in dialogue, though they use regions of the city (Scarborough) or street names (Queen &

I KNOW they all live in Canadian cities. Orphan Black takes place in Canada. HOWEVER, the writers never put anything in the script to make it recognizably Canadian to anyone who doesn't already know the names of smaller cities in Ontario, neighbourhoods in Toronto, etc.

But no characters ever *say* "Canada", "Ontario", or "Toronto". You have to notice the currency, or catch a freeze-frame of someone's driver's license or something.

Yes. That's why I said they're having fun with not admitting it's Canada. You can say "let's go to Niagara" and *still* not have to commit to which country you're in.

The writers are really having fun with the coy not-admitting-it's-Canada thing. "Donnie doesn't have his passport. At least we can go to Niagara Falls!"

"the rule is often broken, and virtually no one outside the grammar biz knows it exists" = "the rule does not exist, and is a wishful-thinking fabrication by people in 'the grammar biz'"

So far, anyway, it looks like Adele is the new Shay—person who appears out of nowhere and quickly become very close to someone in Clone Club, so quickly that they just *have* to be a neolution mole, but actually they turn out to be legit.

Even better, the actual real-life next town over from Rehoboth is called DEWEY BEACH.

It wasn't the cloud layer, it was low-lying turnpike smog.

Why? Clarke knows that Bellamy would never act to hurt *her*.

I actually found this scene pretty powerful. It's a more subtle tactic on ALIE's part than usual—she didn't erase Jasper's memory of all the traumatic events that have happened to him, and you can get the sense that a lot of that was really how Jasper felt. And the listing of the names of the 100 was a meaningful

But although Finland is geographically located next to Scandinavia, the Finnish language is totally unrelated to the Scandinavian languages. Does a Finnish accent really sound "Scandinavian"?

Gotta be Newfoundland. It's the only accent in Canada that sounds that Irish.

Jaha beyond redemption? Don't forget, he's been in the City of Light all season. I don't think he can be held responsible for his actions at the moment.

_And_ she recognized Beth and seemed to have an existing, helpful relationship with her.

Is that the photo of Frank Underwood with Bill Clinton from the show, or is it just some photo of Kevin Spacey with Bill Clinton? (Or it could be both, I guess.)