Aaron Dinkin

Presumably the show brought him back before the Purple Wedding so that his arc would come to a culmination at the end of Season 3 (i.e., getting back to King's Landing). In the book, he rescues Brienne from the bear before the Red Wedding, and then we don't see them until after the Purple Wedding; that'd be too many

Are you thinking of the scene where Jon learns that Ned was executed?


Well, they're also both long-running series of stories that are set in a single world, but with different books following the adventures of different characters, not forming a single overall pllotline over all 40ish books, though characters from one story sometimes make cameo appearances in another, and in the

It's that he doesn't have chapter breaks, so you never feel like you're at a good place to stop.

Noah Wyle played Steve Jobs, and looked like Christian Bale while doing so.

Oh, and there's also this:

Here's the link:

Those are the official rules.

(stop saying British when you mean English. The Scots are British too)

Interesting—I always thought this song has a subtext that the devil actually wins in the end. He's looking for a soul to "steal", not to win in a fair contest. And Johnny outright says "it might be a sin, but I'm the best that's ever been". Well, it *is* a sin; the devil tempts Johnny into the sin of pride, so even if

Heh, I just commented above that I was spoiled for The Prestige and I thought it improved my enjoyment of the movie as a whole.

The Prestige! But I found knowing the ending improved my enjoyment of the movie, because it meant I could appreciate all the foreshadowing and whatnot.

(In fairness, though, I don't think the animated Giselle *does* resemble Amy Adams that much.)

I'm pretty sure that Giselle, as an actual person, would look like Amy Adams.

Animal as Gollum.

Fozzie lands the plum role of Bearomir, not realizing that the character gets killed off a third of the way through; he successfully lobbies to get written back into the script as Bearomir's identical brother Fozzimir.

Surprisingly hard to cast. Does Kermit play Frodo or Aragorn?

To rescue Kya and Bumi, didn't he just have to take their hands and lead them out of the fog and then once they were far enough away they were okay again?

Fans keep talking about "advanced forms". (E.g., they ask "When will airbending get an advanced form like the other bending disciplines have?") This doesn't mean anything! There's no mention in the series of "advanced forms" as a category of bending, let alone a canonical list of "advanced forms"; there are just