Aaron Crabtree

You do not dive 200m with 200m water-resistant watch. I know that's what it says, and depending on the warranty they may replace it if it breaks or leaks, but 200m water resistant does not actually mean you can dive 200m. I have no idea who developed the system for rating water resistance of watches, but it's

It would seem to me that our society doesn't really pay all that much attention to HIV/AIDS, unless you're gay. This is obviously anecdotal evidence, but I know almost no one who uses a condom or refuses to have sex with someone solely on the basis of being afraid of any sort of an STD. I know plenty of people who do

Coming from a phone Bluetooth will actually generally sound better, unless you have a DAC. Without an external DAC, you're losing more quality in the phone's conversion than you are in the signal. To sum up: best is wired with an external DAC, second best is Bluetooth, worst is wired using the phone's internal DAC.

One of several reasons I'm liking Google Music much better than Spotify. It's especially frustrating because I use Spotify to play music in my store and it often changes which version of a song it's playing, from edited to non-edited, which I then have to run and change so as to not offend my customers.

In what world is the treble clef the most important symbol in music? Seriously. It's one of several indicators of key, but it's not even necessary to play a song. You can have a grand staff with just notes on it, and still be able to play a song. You may not be playing it in the correct key, but who cares? The treble

Seeing as 75% of all startups fail, the fact that 44% of those carmakers are still around is actually rather astounding. Whoops! Did I just put your statistics into perspective thereby reversing the meaning? My bad.

It always surprises me how sore my knees get after a jog or even a long walk. Comparatively, if I run for the same amount of time as otherwise, but I add in just a few minutes of sprinting throughout (or even just at the end), my knees hurt much less. I'm not really sure why.

I've been intentionally wearing ties that don't match the shirt I'm wearing recently. The odd thing is, I also keep getting complimented on my ties when I do it. The lesson: just because it doesn't fit within the "rules" doesn't mean it can't look good.

Your one complaint is a strength, in my mind. I loathe all of the social crap in Spotify.

The real problem with time travel is that you'll probably end up somewhere out in the middle of space by doing so. Unless your time machine is also capable of transporting you to any point in space you desire, as well. It's the thing that people never seem to talk about with time travel. The Earth is constantly

First, this is why you don't convey important information like, "I love you," over Facebook. Grow some balls (or ovaries) and do it in person.

...but it's still Miller Lite.

Thanks for pointing this out. I was really peeved when I read the article.

I've found a very helpful way to end procrastination is to get rid of the phrase "I need to." Replace it with "I will." At least for me, when I stop saying, "I need to do the dishes," and say, "I will do the dishes," I'm forced to decide when I'll do it as well. Whether it's right away, or later that day, or the next

So having taken the backs off of more than a few Citizen perpetuals (I used to sell them), I don't believe there's a microchip in there. It's all done through wheels and gears. I may be wrong, as I haven't really delved into the watch and maybe the microchip was hiding behind part of the movement. The price difference

Um...Citizen makes dressy stainless steel Perpetual Calendar watches for $500-600. That's just a tad less than $30,000.

Oh, man, why'd you do that to me?!

A friend of mine did a study which showed quite different results. His were around computer interaction - and maybe that is what changed it - but they showed that we won't do more favors for a helpful computer, which we would do for helpful people. If you wanna read more:

Ah, right, I didn't account for the fact that it came out at the end of the year. Still. Trust me, once you start realizing things like that, you will understand.

You only think that because you're still only 17. Trust me, when I was 17 I thought my generation would never grow up just because we had to. Now I'm 24 and feel old every time I realize something like that YOU WEREN'T BORN WHEN TOY STORY CAME OUT. Sorry. Things like that make me feel very old. You'll get it in a few