Aaron Crabtree

Ahhhh, Legends of the Hidden Temple. Man, that was a good show! There was a website I found a few years back - which I just discovered is now defunct :/ - called The Orange Splat that had episodes of all of the great Nickelodeon shows from the 90's. It was amazing for a little while; then the networks found it and

Nature vs nurture is almost always bullshit. Especially in psychology. There is nothing with a 100% heritability rate, and nothing with a 0%. Hell, even eye color - something very highly correlated to genetics - can be altered based on the environment (e.g., someone with the brown eye genotype can end up with blue

Clearly the author does not have hair on their feet and lower legs. Or has never tried to sleep in socks with hair on their feet and lower legs.

Dammit, Google! You missed by about 40 miles. No one likes Utah County. Bring that up to SLC and I'll love you forever.

If you find out a way to sign up without an iDevice, you should update the article (or just reply to my comment!). I'd like to try it out, but don't use anything iOS.

I can see Utah making this illegal. For no reason other than our state legislature is made up of a bunch of people who don't drink and fear anything to do with drinking.

As someone who's been selling watches for the past five years I can tell you that people most certainly DO wear watches; in fact, over the past two years or so they've gotten more popular - not less. This is at the same time smartphones are becoming more ubiquitous. The watch industry actually began dipping in the

The day my NEX-3 was stolen was one of the saddest days of my life. OK, that's a bit over dramatic, but I loved that camera. Still saving up to replace it with an NEX-6

This is exactly what my doctor recommended for me to do. It's a huge pain in the ass some days, but it's worth it when your sleep schedule doesn't go all to shit just because of one night a week. Also, since you're out drinking, try to get all of your drinking done well before you go to bed - ideally 4 hours before,

I like how you posted this an hour ago, but when I looked immediately before posting my comment correcting the same thing, it didn't show up. After I went through all that effort to not be redundant...ah, well. Maybe having two comments pointing it out will make him change it. Ha!

200% MORE caffeine is the same as 3X normal, not 2X. You could say it has 2X the normal amount of caffeine, or 100% more.

Where I'm from that'd be illegal. Sadly I'm not even joking.

You know, not being an expert in the fields of podiatry or running, I can't really say whether they accurately mimic barefoot running. I can say, however, that my Nike Free 3s are by far my favorite shoes I've worn both for running and just every day use because they are so damned comfy. Also I have jacked up knees

Hahaha what the fuck did I just watch? That was great.

I was complaining about Pandora specifically, not any other app. I've been an Android user since the G1 and have had something like five different Android phones (soon to be six, once I buy my N4) so I certainly wasn't bagging on Android as a whole. Just Pandora. It drives me crazy that they haven't updated their app

I have never once seen lock screen controls on Pandora. Is that a widget that you've put on your lock screen? Because that's different than having actual lock screen controls that are only present when you are actually playing music. Also, there's still no notification bar control, which means I have to switch apps to

*ahem* PANDORA! Drives me insane to use Pandora because it has neither lock screen nor notification bar music controls.

Except the PS3 wasn't an ARM architecture chip, it was an IBM Power architecture chip, the same type that Apple used to use.

I'm guessing they're around $500. Seeing as a regular good pair of extreme condition boots run around $350 or so, I'd wager the spike mechanism adds another $150. Very cool system, and maybe worth the money if you live somewhere with tons of ice.

Spoilers on a car that doesn't need them. How could you leave that off? My favorite thing is seeing a small, cheap (otherwise un-modded), front-wheel-drive car that has a huge spoiler on it. Whatcha need all that downforce for, there sport?