Aaron Crabtree

This is awful, absolutely. However, it does not look make a company where people were committing suicide so often that they had to install nets to catch jumpers look like a game of spin the bottle. Just because Sammy's doing something terrible does NOT make Apple's problems look any better.

Also (I'm replying to myself because I know no one is going to dig through these comments and read mine so why the hell not), in response to all the people saying "WE CAN HAVE BOTH!" Of course we can. The point is not that we should have only one. The point is that a lot of people complain that we are spending so much

I just dug through the replies hoping that I wasn't the first person to notice that. Thank you for being nitpicky like me.

Just as a research nerd (and a bit of a human factors problem) nitpick - this should really be shown in bar graph form, not pie chart. A pie chart indicates that they're two parts of some greater whole. They are, of course, but you don't really care about the whole unless we're talking about the entire US budget and

Ah, sorry. Somehow I missed that. And yet now that I read it it seems quite obvious. Sometimes I really hate text-based communications :/

Yes...you could say that. The guy was basically saying that it wasn't or couldn't be alienating. And it is and can be. Get it?

I loved this show. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Even if it was completely depressing. Especially Steve.

I feel the exact opposite. I like the sounds that are in dubstep, I just feel that it should be used as an accent piece instead of the majority of the music. My feelings are much the same for screaming and growling in music as well.

Those look like they could be a lot of fun for some light painting.


The NEX cameras have a pancake lens...


Um...what? The RX100 isn't an ILC. It's a point and shoot that is just under an inch and a half thick. I can understand if you don't like the ILCs (I love mine), but this isn't one of them. My only gripe with this camera is that it costs as much as my NEX-C3 did, so using it as a pocketable backup to that doesn't

That hammer drill seems a bit small to really be useful. At least for any tasks I've ever used a hammer drill for, ie drilling holes in concrete. These http://www.builderbill-diy-help.com/hammer_drill.html are more what I think of when I hear hammer drill. They're big, heavy tools that you have to use both hands with.

I'm from Utah and that's what it's called here.

You're probably right. I made sure to grab the names for my business as quickly as I could so they couldn't be snagged by someone else and used. The real problem isn't even completely that people might use them negatively, it's that people are unintelligent and might think that since they have outlook, Coke must as

So you spelled his name wrong? That must have been a hard one to get...

Another one is affordances - which means it's visually obvious what you're supposed to do with a key.

I find it hard to like anything Apple does anymore (except the Zooey commercial. I can never not love her), but this was just...stupid. It reminded me more of Microsoft's "I'm a PC" commercials than it did of any advertisement I've ever seen Apple do. So I'm certainly not personally offended by it in any way - quite