Aaron Crabtree

You should be able to do that. When you reject it, it will ask which app you want to use to send it, and you just route it through GV instead of your messaging app. I believe. I never use the reject to text feature, so I can't say for sure.

So this is obviously not scientific, but from my experience MOST of the people I know with Android phones have no idea that newer versions exist unless I (or some other geek) tells them. And I know a lot of people with Android phones. Trust me, I'm not coming from the perspective of "everyone's a rooter" but more that

That's a good point. Though in the same vein there are older iPhones that don't support the newer iOS versions.

As I always say, most of those who know that their phone isn't on the latest version of Android, will root and put it on there. Most Android users have no idea that there is a newer version of their OS, and really don't care. Most of the ones who do know will simply root it and upgrade themselves.

One bet I'm always a fan of is not quite a guaranteed win, but it is a high probability win. When watching baseball, and it comes to a full count (3 balls and 2 strikes), bet your friend (or random person at the bar) $10 bucks that the next pitch will be a foul ball. They'll think you're just trying to predict the

This movie started off onto the wrong track at "How do you know they engineered us?" "It's what I choose to believe," (probably not the exact quote) and never got back on the right track. As someone who is studying to become a scientist (though in a very different field than hers), I am abjectly offended at a

To be fair, I saw it with a biologist and she was saying she would have done the exact same thing because often curiosity overrides common sense when seeing something novel.

I heard this before I saw Prometheus, and I was trying to see if they actually said 35 light years in the movie. They don't directly, but they did say 3.47e14km, which I then spent the next little bit trying to do the math in my head to figure out if that was where they alluded to it being 35 light years away. Sadly,

Gotta say this one wins it in my opinion - [www.flickr.com] (stupid thing won't embed)

If it were cheaper, I'd consider it as a secondary to my NEX C3. Impressive for the size, of course, but I'm fairly confused how they price it the same as the C3/F3.

I'm glad I'm not the only one nutty enough to want a giant tablet/laptop. I want a 15" version, as I like my screens bigger than 13" and I need a 10-key. ASUS showed one yesterday that is the same idea as the Transformer, and supposedly they're going to make it as big as 14". Just inching its way along...

Uh...what? Windows 8 absolutely still uses the same file structure as Windows 7. You clearly haven't spent 10 minutes with Windows 8 or you'd have known that. In fact, Windows Explorer actually works a little better than it did in 7, just due to little interface and productivity tweaks that they put into it.

They've actually let a bunch of people try them on, and actually use them. Not Sergey's set, of course, but I'm guessing his isn't unique.

Make sure these are legal in your state before doing this. In some (or at the very least, in Utah) potato guns are illegal and you can get in a lot of trouble for making one.

Another biggie is that it's now compatible with the remote. At this point I'm stuck rigging a C-clamp onto my C3 in order to take a bulb exposure. Why you would make someone hold down a button on the camera (with shaky, shaky hands) to take a bulb exposure is beyond me.

My C3 has a stereo mic (ie, actually two mics) built-in, and it looks like the F3 has the same two little holes on the side of the lens where my mics are. You can buy a higher quality mic for the C3, and if the F3 is compatible with the accessory port, then you can buy even better ones.

It's pretty common to use cum to mean with. Also, it's pronounced differently (coom).

You obviously haven't curled before. It's boring as hell, but it's certainly not lazy - especially if you're sweeping (which I can't recall the actual name of).

You know, I often look at RGB pictures of the Earth and think to myself, "Self, what is all that green stuff?" Now I need wonder no more! The Russians have gotten rid of that pesky green and replaced it with red, which is a much clearer sign of life than that weird old green stuff.

My Galaxy Nexus kicks ass in direct sunlight, but they didn't put it in the test. I'd like to see where it falls. Also, how the hell is that a tie between the Galaxy S and the iPhone 4? Did anyone else look at the pictures and have to scratch their heads just a little bit?