Aaron Crabtree

Thank you, Giz, for showing me a thousand dollars of stuff that I now want. Bastards.

Did you take a picture of my dog?

So this was a bad year for me for movie-going, but I actually saw 14. There were quite a few that I had been really excited to see but then never did. Still, 14 is better than I expected.

At a Cub Scout day camp I went to when I was younger, they had two similar slingshots that they used for water balloon fights. Both were mounted on large towers, and facing each other. They made for some pretty epic battles.

You know, it's interesting. I try and get my news from a large range of sources - apart from cable news networks (I don't have them and I don't like them) - but I've found that for the stories I care about, very rarely do I get as good a summary as I get from the Daily Show. And it's hilarious. Jon himself makes fun

"have often"

The timing of the CME impacting both the planet and the "object" would suggest that they are in close proximity to each other, not to the satellites.

Wow, way to be an ass. First off, this is for people who don't like to penguin walk or skate (obviously). Personally I'm not a fan of either. Not enough of a "not a fan" to spend $120 to avoid them, but still not a fan. Second, there are places where you actually DO need to strap out. For instance, where I was riding

No clue, I just Googled "fat naked person," and it came up. It was probably the most repulsive one that came up, but not by much.

My thoughts exactly. I never had an iPad, but I did have an Android tablet for a while, and while I loved the tablet (insanity, I know, if you listen to what the blogs tell you about Android tablets), it was totally useless for the most part. I enjoyed using it to look up sports info while watching sports, and a few

Are you sure about that?

Actually, the "breakup fee" includes roaming agreements and spectrum. You may be right that it's a farce, but T-Mobile won't be (directly) paying for it. They may have a hard time getting back on their feet from it, however, as a lot of people left T-Mo (or decided not to switch to them) because they didn't want to be

It's all about which party is in power. When the Democrats are in power, they often go about strengthening anti-trust laws, breaking up companies, and limiting mergers (see: now). When Republicans are in power, they often go about breaking up anti-trust laws, deregulating the market, and encouraging mergers

I think the sport models would probably have cosmetic sidewalls as well. All of the air passing through those spokes would create quite a bit of turbulence. Not a big deal to your average everyday driver (other than your gas mileage would take a bit of a knock), but on sports cars, they'd want ultimate efficiency.

So I've been with T-Mo for...about 7 years now (less about a year when I went to VZW for the Droid), and I've had a lot of times where I've had to call into customer service (I'm terrible luck for phones, I used to average about 4 a year), and I've never had anyone with a remotely Indian sounding accent. If it were

You think that's crazy? H&M just opened a new store at the mall I work at (it's also the first in my state), and people were lined up for HOURS just to GET IN the store all day on their opening day. All day. It was absurd. They keep the ropes up too, just in case they need them again because apparently it's still

Wow haha. Not sure how I missed that. I must have thought I read the lead-in before I clicked through, but really didn't. My bad.

Uh...where in that rant did he even mention Kohl's clothes?

Sometimes I think Giz goes a bit overboard with their rants about things. This is not one of those times.

I've always found the concept of charging people to listen to your music a little bizarre. Charging someone to play music you wrote, or charging people to listen to you perform - those I understand. Charging someone to listen to your music just baffles me. To me the idea of music is expression, and sharing that