Aaron Crabtree

Not that I'm aware of. My dad had a Motorola phone that he imported from China a few years back (pre-iPhone) that ran on Linux, but I don't think any exist anymore.

If only. It's certainly generally more socialist than many other states, but it's also certainly nowhere near as socialist as, say, Great Britain - a country not widely regarded as being highly socialist.

Do you feel a little bad now? Not saying you should, I'm just curious.

You're assuming that the particular piece of metal he had made was patented. From the looks of it, I'm kind of guessing it's not, though that is just as much supposition as your comment.

And, in contrast, shouldn't it get some points for the fact that many of its components are up to 86% "open"? While I'll admit I'm a bit of an Android fanboy (though, I used to be a hardcore Apple/iPhone fanboy, so I'm not one who will remain a fanboy through things I disagree with), this all seems like FUD to me.

So they're comparing Android to Eclipse (part of Android), the Linux kernel (part of Android), and WebKit (part of Android)? Seems a little odd to me.

Alcohol toxins is a bit of a misnomer. Alcohol is made up of three things: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (C2H6O). Your liver processes alcohol by combining it with water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) to make more water (water is needed for the process because ethanol is arranged as C2H5OH) and Carbon dioxide (CO2). After it is

No good songs out?! Have you listened to Incubus' new album? It's amazing.

I actually drank about that much rum (though it was the Captain Morgan Lime Bite stuff) a couple months ago, and - though I didn't feel too hot from it - I didn't do anything stupid or throw up.

You should try coming to Utah. Beer here (at least beer you can buy in a grocery store) is 3.2% ABV. Which, now that I think of it, is probably why (in addition to your point) they went with 5% - it's probably about median ABV content.

The difference is alternatives. On Windows, I have WinAmp, Windows Media Player, and numerous others. On OS X, I had Songbird...and that's the only decent alternative I ever found. And it was quite a buggy piece of software. Not nearly the bloated piece that iTunes is, but close.

I sell watches, and I promote this message. (No, really, I do)

Are you referring to pouring the alcohol on the burn, or drinking it? Personally, I'm more of a fan of the latter.

You're right, I do bare my teeth in (and only in) aggression! As do all humans!

Why not hook it up to an electric air compressor. So long as you have power, you have foghorn.

Actually, you don't understand psychology. Numerous studies have shown that reward systems are the ideal way to encourage learning. Positive reward (aka, giving them something good) encourages good behavior, and negative rewards (aka, taking something good away) discourages bad behavior. Punishment systems can be

That's actually a common generalization made that - if you understand the psychology of it - is totally false. Women are actually more excited by the physical act of sex (not just the intimacy of it) as are men (did you know that women have 8 different types of orgasm? Men have 1). There may be some slight

So I'm taking a gender and politics class this semester, and one thing that I have noticed becomes a casualty of feminism (something I support) is the demonization of sexuality. I for one support sexuality and think that its repression is one of the major problems of most societies. Mainly because we're extremely

"Let's face it..." blah blah blah.

Actually, I have had the problem of a DSL modem overheating, and something like this would have worked perfectly. The modem would overheat and reboot whenever it had been on for a long time or when I was putting some sort of a strain on it.