Aaron Crabtree

@SGTalon: Wow. You are aware that the atmosphere MOVES, right? Like…it's not static. For instance, acid rain often occurs hundreds of miles away from factories. Idiots like you would say, "Obviously acid rain isn't caused by factories." Intelligent people are aware of atmospheric currents which push things far away

@NorwoodIsMyHero: The point of the metaphor isn't profits. In fact, he even points that out: "But this comparison does have its limits: McDonald's makes money all over the world, consistently and in great quantities. And McDonald's also doesn't waste untold time and resources trying to invent filet mignon whole

@redkitten: In America and Europe. It's another facet of Anglo-centricity, that we tend to ignore the fact that Europe and non-Latin North America ≠ the world.

@Aaron Crabtree: Sorry, it doesn't cause a short. It has the same effect as a short - it can cause it to blow a fuse, or if you have too strong of a fuse for the circuit, it can cause a fire.

@Jakooboo- More than just words.: What makes an ion cannon better than a laster has nothing to do with power. The point of an ion cannon is to disrupt the electronics of whatever your shooting it at. It works similar to an EMP - it overloads the circuits, and basically causes a short.

@adt1015: I watched the first 3 minutes of it, and then got bored and kind of skipped around a bit through the last minute.

God damn it. I hate giving money to Apple, but this just made me want to buy a new Nano. I just gave my sister my old phatty Nano, because I never used it. Thanks a lot, Giz. Thanks a lot.

I have a problem with them calling it an experiment. There is no hypothesis. There is no random selection. There is no control. You can't even really call it a scientific study, because, again, there's no hypothesis that you're studying. I'm really confused as to the point of this.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Flash is "startlingly bad" at all. When I use it to watch videos, it works great. When I use it to view Flash content, it works great. Droid CM 6 @800MHz. Shouldn't be that much different from N1 FroYo @ 1GHz.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: Nice Eye. I didn't even think of that. Though if you're really being technical, there's no way the blue shift is going to be that extreme. But, then, it is a Countach…

@smcallah: Ha. "Use in court." By which, you mean the cop shows up to court. In the case of speeding tickets, if the cop shows up, you lose. If they don't, you have a chance of getting off.

@szrimaging: Maybe if it was a carbon fiber/kevlar weave? The main benefit, I would think, would be weight. Leather is quite heavy. And it doesn't breathe, at all, so you're less protected riding when it's hot outside. But, then, I dunno what advantages it would have over straight kevlar biker jackets.

@Error601: "And that five-fold performance boost, all without sacrificing power consumption."

@dcdttu: I think that should be the slogan for anyone planning on buying almost any Android phone. Seeing as there hasn't been an Android phone released without some custom UI shit on it in months. Buy. Root. Fix. is what I've done with both of my Android phones, and my dad's, and all of my friends who get them and

Nice rant, Jesus. I can't believe they're completely shutting down the LHC. The potential for new energy technologies from that one place of research are close to unimaginable. Someone needs to slap those Europeans. Not that the US is any better, of course.

Um…hasn't Ubuntu's share been on the rise? Pretty sure it has been…

Just imagine when it'll be possible to output that much clarity at 24+fps. That will be insane.

Usually I have at least half of the apps you publish in these lists, but (other than the default ones), I didn't have a one of these. Thanks!

@sbunny: Unless it operated on the same mechanism. The speaker only comes up partway, and the keyboards on the latest HTC phones have all been fairly short. You could make it be no thicker than your average keyboard (or in this case, speaker) slider.