Aaron Crabtree

@WUSS: I agree that those who are for Prop 8 need to pull their collective head out of their collective ass. But saying that it's a minor issue to the gays and lesbians of the world is a little…rude? Not really rude, I can't think of a good word at the moment.

@Christopher: Actually, this is in line with checks and balances, and is known as judicial review. The courts have the ability to review any law and determine its constitutionality. The best precedent to look at (in my opinion) is Brown v. Board of Education, which struck down an unconstitutional law. I feel it's the

@Audaxero: Well, if you look at the dollars, Yes on 8 had FAR more money than did No. Thanks to organizations such as the LDS Church, who gave $189,000 in in-kind donations, and whose members gave nearly $200 million to help pass Prop 8.

@CaptainJack: Because it ignores other parts of both the Federal and California Constitutions, that it does not seek to overwrite. The equal protection and due process clauses of both constitutions prohibit many parts of Prop 8. Now, had Prop 8 included changes to those clauses, then it would have been a fight

@bearslayer: Actually, the placement of pedals has been a problem for a long time. Audi was sued for cars accidentally accelerating and going through people's garages back in the late 80's.

@YourStarDoesNotMakeYouRight: Gotcha. Which always bugged me, PS. It meant if I missed an episode, I pretty much had to torrent it - something I have no problem doing for stuff that I find mediocre, but feel guilty for stuff that I feel warrants payment.

It doesn't make sense to be a phone or a Zune, the tapers on the bottom (top of the picture) go the wrong way, leading to a smaller front than back. That not only feels awkward, but cuts down on screen real estate. I guess it's possible, if it tapers in on the bottom, and back out on top, giving it a parallelogram

@YourStarDoesNotMakeYouRight: Wouldn't that make it even more something you'd bring up, because it's totally new? And if it was a joke, then Frucci (the man who reviewed the Fleshlight Motion) is far more subtle than I'd thought.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I've never really watched it, I don't have anything against it. I would just think that on this site, of all sites, if you're going to mention a CBS sitcom, you mention BBT.

@dibs ODDJOB: I disagree. There's a ton of humor in that show that goes over the heads of most people. The only reason I was introduced to the show was because a friend wanted me to explain some of the jokes to her, because she didn't quite get them. She's really intelligent, and bright enough that she caught them,

Really? On this site, you talk about Two and a Half Men? Really?!

This better be amazing enough to make up for the lack of preview at WWDC. I'm feeling it won't be. It'll be Apple saying, "We're really happy about this. Now, you can buy all of your desktop apps from one (and only one) place. iTunes." And that's when I'll finally switch to Linux.

@Nigerian Business Executive: Not necessarily clearer, it's just a different type of picture. An STM/SEM (whichever that is) will show you the parts of the water bear better, but it's not really what it would look like to the human eye. The other types of pictures are actually what you'd see, as they're taken with

@CaptainJack: Strangely, I've always had issues with the Starfield one FC'ing. Only strange because it's nowhere near as complex as some others that I use and have never had issues with. Like the Waves LWP, which has three different types of touch input, plus accelerometer input, plus ongoing animation.

@steveyy: Hey. That yelling is totally necessary. Otherwise, they'd have to think up 5 episodes worth of dialogue, and we all know that ain't happenin'.

@Frontline: Exactly what I was thinking.

@Bucky Rodgers: Man, you're right, I do have some massive man tits. Wait…no, no I don't. So does my roommate who has a Droid. And my other roommate who has a myTouch. Wait…no, they don't either. So does my dad who has a G1. Wait…that's still not right.