Unfortunately The recent alien movies have been pretty bad, lots of potential that wasn't lived up to. What it comes down to is poor storytelling and deficient writing.
Unfortunately The recent alien movies have been pretty bad, lots of potential that wasn't lived up to. What it comes down to is poor storytelling and deficient writing.
Why did I just read an article about a script that was never made from 10 years ago by a guy who isn't a very good writer, A guy who just takes credit for the good writing about the writers?
Republican trash is all the same, they hurt Americans to put money in their own pocket.
I guess this is why she left the worst written most morally reprehensible show on TV.
The popular Mexican soda Jarritos, that no doubt the shows producers got a nice chunk of change for highlighting, but the AV club won't mention the name, they avoid this by calling it 'cane sugar soda', because their Parent company doesn't have a piece of the action. Welcome to modern pseudo-journalism in the age of…
Not interested in a reboot, but a prequel or continuation of the story would be interesting
I tried one, it was pretty crappy. Not crunchy like fried chicken should be, just kind of soggy and flavorless.
Milo is a Hitler in the making, a bright gifted rhetorician, and a consummate manipulator, watch out for this guy, because he and his kind are on the rise.
That's not really arm wrestling, which is a test of arm strength, he's just using his bodyweight and keeping his arm fixed, pseudo arm wrestling.
'hipster favorite Pabst Blue Ribbon'
What utter unmitigated horsesh-t. And I didn't even read it, and I'm not going to read it.
it's a good movie, Borgnine and Marvin at their best.
Read more, recent history the last few thousand years, I agree, that's been the case when it comes to men and wars. But women were always warriors, always, In virtually every civilization on earth. The fact that they were minorities has little relevance in a discussion of a women in an individual life and death…
And that of course that is a myth created by societies which socialize women to believe they are inferior in a combat situation with a man simply because in general they don't possess equal physical strength, speed or aggression. The same argument applies to men who are smaller with less physical ability, yet few men…
The new season of true detective is just awful, it comes off as CSI Miami without the phony glitz.
What's really happening with the show, it's losing its focus, and the creators and writers seem to be running out of ideas. Soon it will be nothing more than a continuing exercising in commiseration, which will be the safer route to go. That's how you maintain an audience today, don't take any real risks, just pander…
What's really happening with the show, it's losing its focus, and the creators and writers are running out of ideas. Soon it will be nothing more than a continuing exercising commiseration, which will be the safer route to go. That's how you maintain an audience today,don't take any real risks