Aaron Alberto Campos

They made a movie of this? Best of luck everyone! Also Greta Gerwig is way too young for the role, obviously messed around with story a bit….don't think a younger female lead will really make this one am easier sell though. Especially if they keep the brutal ending.

This is a non-issue, from a historical perspective, but it makes excellent clickbait for those rubes easily whipped into an online foaming frenzy. "Mature artists steal."-attribution purposefully withheld.

Agree with the general thrust of this article though. We'll never see anything like those movies again. They were made to sell Prince albums, and move Seal singles (who can forget the ubiquitous hit of '95, "Kissed by a Rose") as much as anything else. These movies were written, cast, and directed on the presumption

"He also violates the character’s historic aversion to murder, blowing up goons and tossing supervillains to their doom. “We’ll kill her later, we have work to do,” Batman quips about Poison Ivy in Batman And Robin. Were they still alive, the Joker, the Penguin, and Two-Face might warn their fellow rogues that the man