@UnderLoK: Good advice. Also, pictures are worth a thousand words!
@UnderLoK: Good advice. Also, pictures are worth a thousand words!
Having rented many different places over the last 10 years, my best piece of advice is this:
@battra92: Good point. The new Lexus that parallel-parks itself disgusts me. We should be teaching drivers how to park, not building cars to do it for them. Like-wise with browsers and computers in general, I suppose.
@battra92: And that proves how insecure it is. You use all the tools you can to try and keep it secure, and you still end up with that crap.
@ozw: We get our water out of the ground. After it goes down the drain, it goes back into the ground. How is that wasteful?
@hewhoroams: Take a window A/C unit and place it outside (not in the window, but completely outside) in December. Plug it in. What happens? It freezes over and stops working. Then you have to turn it off and wait for it to thaw before it will work again. Why? It's designed to remove heat from a hot room and place it…
I must say, this is absolutely horrible advice.
Gina, download Drocap in the market. Allows taking screen shots by shaking the phone.
@Crashproof: Based on his questions, it sounds as if arungupta knows nothing about Android. Sounds like he needs to do some googling.
@Navin R Johnson: You can still use it on AT&T just as I do with my G1 - you just don't get 3G.
@attenbetrate: The A/C on most modern cars (1990+) will not operate at temperatures lower than about 43*f. Reason being the entire system would freeze up and be completely useless anyway.
Wired Plastic prepaid Visa. Got it back when my credit sucked and couldn't get a real credit card, and I still keep it today.
@Tightlines: You say that like Lifehacker and Consumerist DIDN'T used to be affiliated, and like it's a bad thing that we sound like Consumerist commenters.
Navigation devices, like many other things in life, require the application of common sense for the device to be used properly.
If you have a Blackberry, just use the BB software on your computer to back up everything on the phone. You can even set it up to backup on a schedule whenever you plug your phone into your computer.
@Ph0Xy: Maybe you should file an anti-trust lawsuit against them. Oh wait... ;)
When I as a teenager, I had the pleasure of cutting, hauling, and splitting, and stacking 10-14 cords of firewood a year. When cutting that much firewood, the larger the tree, the better. This means I mostly dealt with extremely large rounds (anywhere from 2-4 feet in diameter).
@HurtsSoGood: A sharp axe is good for kindling. Sharp is not necessary for splitting large rounds like that. The key word there is splitting - NOT cutting. You're not making a precision cut, you're trying to separate the two pieces. A dull, blunt splitting maul will work fine on a large round. Like you said, it's the…
Pfft, this is nothing. James Bond has been doing this for years. #driving
If you want adb to work on a Win 7 machine, download and burn a Ubuntu CD, boot it in live CD mode, and it will interface with your android phone (which runs on - you guessed it - Linux) natively. #googlemapsnavigation