
All us women eagerly await that day as well.

In fairness, those countries would hate on the US regardless of the actual facts. Iran, meanwhile, hangs people from cranes in town squares and China harvests the organs of executed political prisoners.

I agree. It's tasteless, but not racist. If they took a picture making fun of ridiculous hipster trends, no one would accuse them of racism. Frankly, what seems the most racist here is that Mark is implying that gang culture is somehow part of African American or Hispanic cultures.

Only here would I get shit for denouncing the fashion industry's unhelpful and racist policies. Few women can live up to the standards of no waists, no curves, and smaller breasts. Who better than someone who's body has a narrower waist because that person's pelvis wasn't meant to deliver a child. This isn't the first

Yes, they could, but that was already a given as everyone is very clear that their specific belief against IUDs and plan B is not distinguishable from some other employers belief against all birth control etc.. But it matters because we should make a distinction (as RBG urges us to do in her dissent) between defining

Based on the headline, I expected this to be an article about toys for sexually pleasuring dogs. I was horrified (and inexplicably clicked anyway).

If we videotaped everything you said and did when you were fifteen

On the one hand, I think Justin Bieber is a little sack of shit and still IS a fucking kid.

I'm aware of that fact. You're still saying, "he was crazy, he talked to shrinks" when the shrinks in question never said he was crazy. Sociopaths are manipulative, that is true. But it is completely indefensible for you to simultaneously appeal to authority (he went to psychiatrists, you have to admit he's just

Yeah, I don't understand why the suffering is necessary. Can't there be another way for reproductive health and well-being to manifest itself? During my first and second day I can't help but feel I'm being viciously punished for something. It hurts so much and leaves me completely drained, like I'd been beaten up. I

Hahahaha. Trolls. Eew.

VERY problematic.


who is so intent on proving that he's the bad boy of street art or whatever that he consistently pulls stunts like stuffing an octopus in a woman's vagina.

I agree completely that questions about bodies and surgeries need to end, but Mock's book is titled, in part, "My Path to Womanhood." The official book jacket says it is a book about growing up as a trans girl.

When you write a book explicitly about your experience growing up trans and transitioning to womanhood,

Right. Remember when jessica Simpson got married? It was all like "well she can sing about sex because she is married" stupid heads!

I used to have a fuck meter but I found that people's interpretations of it varied wildly.

Exactly. Who were the victims here? Why should I care? Who gives a f*** if a bunch of insufferable marathoners are salty that they shelled out hundreds of self-satisfaction dollars and these people didn't? This post made very little sense.