Time to feed the gophers...
Time to feed the gophers...
Just get the cheapest thing you can pass off as real. You’ll be separated in 5 years anyway, and that money is better spent on prostitutes after you’re alone for awhile.
ie, “Sex”
I lost 98 pounds in one day! My big fat leg got caught in a combine.
Easy to say when you’re getting laid.
Geez, quit niddling me about it.
Geez, quit niddling me about it.
Embrace it? I’ve proposed, said “I do”, gone on a honeymoon and consummated my marriage to my toaster oven.
I’m currently using Atom, and it’s eating memory like crazy. As cool as Electron is, it definitely needs some work with memory management.
funny, but not funny
I used Sublime for years, but have switched to Atom. It is also available on all platforms, but is free and free. Still glitchy sometimes in Beta, but overall a nice alternative to Sublime.
Melting salts? Is that some kind of Florida drug thing?
Every week?
Invite one of the help to go to the beach with you. When you get there, break the news that they have to stay at the towel and watch your stuff. Then hire a local kid to make sure the help doesn’t try to drink any of your beer while you swim.
Yeah, I’m not sure that’s a thing.
A burger is just a convenient form factor.
I had similar issues with the MX Performance. I even tried returning the first one I bought, but the replacement had the same problems. I wound up having to change my workflow to avoid using certain features of the scroll wheel.
I had similar issues with the MX Performance. I even tried returning the first one I bought, but the replacement had…
I ‘invented’ this about a decade ago when I ordered a scoop of vanilla ice cream in my Young’s Double Chocolate Stout.