This piece originally appeared in the April 1995 issue of GQ. It is reprinted here with permission.
This piece originally appeared in the April 1995 issue of GQ. It is reprinted here with permission.
The core of Democratic monetary policy is still center to center-right, leftover from the “Third Way” Clinton era re-calibration, so I’m not surprised they’re making this argument. The gap between the now nearly extinct moderate Republicans and most Democrats on this stuff was never large, it was more a matter of if…
You’re going to get a lot of pushback on this article, though it’s spot on. Funny how self-proclaimed welfare-staters suddenly find True Religion when it’s the other party expanding the deficit.
The tax proposal released last week by House Republicans would add $1.7 trillion to the national debt over a…
Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii. She is a military vet, very progressive, and no sell out. Look her up.
I have to ask this, in all seriousness to not just you Michael, but the entire editorial staff, what took you so long?
I can’t imagine why.
Yes, precisely so! Fiscal policy produces and distributes scarcity, and getting over *that* requires more than a “one weird trick” approach to social relations
When I was writing my dissertation more than a few years ago, I stumbled onto this modern money stuff. It was a glimmer of hope that perhaps, post-GFC, we might have a sane fiscal policy. Of course we know how that went.
The wealth gap between white Americans and black Americans is stark. The median white family has somewhere between…
Have something you think we should know? Email us at, call our confidential tips hotline at (347)…
Okay. Let Bernie run on his own solely on money and exposure he can raise without the Democratic Party structure. See how that works for you.
Lol, in the sense that they both suck moneyed cock, there is no difference. It’s just that Democrats sometimes give the little guy a reacharound when they’re fucking him. Republicans just nut and leave.
Jeremy Lin has dreadlocks.
Press junket interviews are a special kind of hell, a situation where neither party—the interviewer and the…
Wait....hold’re telling me that in a progressive tax system extremely wealthy people pay most of the income tax?
let’s see what TR says about that....emphasis mine
This isn’t bidding against yourself* - this is proposing a deal that’s so fundamentally unworkable that it indicates an lack of seriousness in the negotiator.
Good for her! It’s about time an adult in the Democratic Party stood up and put down all those Leftists and the kids these days who insist on believing in things!