
And it’s not like Sanders supporters are flat out -against- combating police brutality or sexism either. You can, in fact, be both #FightFor15 AND #BlackLivesMatter (Seriously, why -would- you only pick one?)

Liberals with money tend to want a progressive society. They just don’t want that progressive society to affect their economic privilege, their social privilege, and to be exposed to the grasping hands of the poor.

Socially progressive, economically the voice of the upper-middle-class professional types.

So long as the progressive agenda moves forward, I could give a shit who is its champion. It could be Michael Bay for all I care, so long as whoever that is produces results.


As Stuff White People Like pointed out, the answer from these idiots is always “Performance”

As always, any transaction that involves the Knicks is a loss for both sides.

My cat would rip my arm off if I held her like this.

I truly don’t understand why this made people so angry. This is literally a trend in media that should be addressed because it points to societal issues and like...people have lost it.

I’m really shocked at the amount of biracial people coming out to condemn this article. Its not about you. Its about whiteness being seen as moving “up” the social/societal latter. Leaving the dark skinned Desi girl behind to achieve greatness with a white woman.

Thank you for this.

Yeah, I think that there are worthwhile critiques of the article that could lead to productive discussion, but most of the critical comments are over the top.

Your article is awesome, and clearly people didn’t read it entirely before storming at you.

This should have been posted to The Root. You got a lot of angry white ladies here who can’t/won’t understand the topic despite laying it out for them. - A bi-racial person also tired of the same thing you are.

Nuance, who has time for it?!

Nobody will probably see this because there are already 300+ comments, but there is so much paternalistic white racism in the comments that I still wanted to leave one to let the author know that someone stands in solidarity with her.

This movie, at least from the trailer, follows the same trope where the white America woman is the breath of fresh air, the free spirit, while her peers of color have to conform to another identify, often afforded a lot less levity. In this movie it’s the other Pakistani women, hell-bent of marrying and game to

Loved this article.