Aardvark the Shell

This is is why guns need to be banned or more regulated - most people are just too fucking stupid to own them.

I was on the fence till you presented it that way. I’m in. If can combine aspects of all those awesome publications wrapped up in incredible design and materials, you should have a hit.

Do any of these turds say anything that’s not questionable? Factually or otherwise?

We need an Obvious Troll (TM) action figure.

Stop using facts! We’re talking about republicans here.

Maybe xmas will come early.

Only the first pressings are any good.

LOL. You’re right and the huge scientific community across the world is trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Must have been a sale on tin foil this week.

Great, now I have to throw up my nice breakfast.

I always knew the Kardashians were from space.

Nice post. I highly recommend the Power Broker book. Great stuff.

They’re all vying for the tiny penis award.

I had a howler monkey try to pee on me from a tree once, while in Guatemala. Fun times. I don’t know if there’s a correlation between ball size and urinary aim.

I actually grew up hunting and my dad is a big hunter, so that’s where I’m coming from. I’ve had more deer hanging in my garage growing up than most people. But I had a moment when I was aiming at a buck when I realized I couldn’t do it again, that it seemed pretty terrible and just not right. I’m not exactly

This is what I’ve heard as well, and that Luke has a much bigger role in the second movie.

Good post, but somehow the idea of being kind to animals while hunting them from a blind doesn’t seem to add up. I’d also debate the whole hunting is manly thing in general.

As someone who used to ride when I was younger, this is just just crap. Follow the law. I feel bad for the guy in the video for sure, but if he had followed the law his girlfriend wouldn’t be in surgery right now. In fact, this is why there are traffic laws, so people don’t just do whatever they want.

The anti-vax thing is totally moronic as well, although just a small segment and states (at least California and NY) are closing the ability to let non-vaxxed kids in school. But diets? Alternative medicines? These are choices that affect themselves, not political platforms that destroy the entire planet like climate

We already have two species - One with the ability to critically think, express empathy and work within a logical, fact-based context. Members of the other species are called Republicans.

And stealing music really helps that, right?