Aardvark the Shell

You’re the kind of moron that thinks they’re having an intelligent conversation, yet everyone else is already beyond them. Your plea for “intelligent conversation” is nothing but a troll like move to drag everyone into your pathetic stupidity den.

Hanging out with Kurt Vile is the problem. His early records were great but now they’re just freaking boring and indulgent (and not in the good ways).

There’s also the environmental impact of letting your car idle ad-naseum. Want to live in some frost-ridden tundra? Fine, just go out and start your car the old fashioned way.

Yeah because throwing live creatures out of a plane is a real fucking riot.

The whole WKRP thing is hilarious. In real life this is just fucking disgusting. Someone should throw the pilot out of his plane and see how he does.

Notcho, notcho man! I’ve got to be a notcho man.

Wow, that’s horrible. That was a great screen.

Calling it just a rock collection means several things, primarily that you’ve never been here. So please STFU.

I loved this space so much, it was like being teleported into a weird Star Trek set. I once did acid in here in the 80s (and yes, it was awesome). This is really bad news.

Maybe you need to live closer to your job.

“Religious people can be found everywhere.” Kind of like VD.

Depends on how you define religion, but then I’m not going to some building each week and pretending to drink the blood of some dead guy or his dad or pondering if they’re the same thing, or praying 5 times a day in a specific direction or ruining the world because of my antiquated belief system. But hey, yeah,

It’s not too late to (cool) whip it, whip it good.

“The idea that putting effort into creating something, then selling that thing and making money off of it isn’t a “real job” is insulting every artist, writer, inventor, and filmmaker on Earth.”

To the office, not the man. This is a giant scary WTF.

I’ll eat almost anything to get him out of there.

Our country is filled with fucking idiots. I’m shocked, and yet I’m not.

Ugh, you see these fuckwads driving around LA like that all the time. I say snare them with this thing then toss them in a hole.

He should be punched for wearing that stupid visor.

This should be required viewing in high schools.