
If the thing preventing a female Doctor until now is that the other Doctors hated women then it can only mean all those Doctors hated women. Because surely there then would have been a female regen as soon as we had a Doctor that didn’t hate women?

Not especially - we’re supposed to stop skipping through our DVR recording because we think the show’s back on.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth, addressed to Susan.

The “smack on the bottom” line Caroline singles out as beyond the pale is a direct lift from Hartnell’s dialogue in The Dalek Invasion of Earth. The sexism wasn’t pervasive but it was definitely more than subtext.

All the previous Doctors hated women? That’s the view that makes you happy?

I think it was a pretty decent episode of Doctor Who, and a pretty good Christmas episode, but a brilliant sendoff/regeneration episode.

Thin on plot, yes. Very thin. And you’re right that the SFX seemed unusually rough, aside from the WWI scenes. Full of characterization and measured fan service (did you even mention

Since his standup bit was entirely about marriage, differences between men and women, child-rearing etc. and his views on those subjects seemed to have emerged unscathed from 1955 it seems relevant

“Colin Jost and Michael Che (both promoted to co-head writers alongside Kent Sublette and Bryan Tucker this week)“

SNL needs to do something truly revolutionary: Get rid of the political cold openings, and, of course, fire Mr. Baldwin.

I thought the review explained that pretty clearly. If you’re going to use your family life as the joke, then, you know, people are going to think about your family life. How is that surprising?

I miss the old AV Club

Because his family life is a big part of his act. Also because from what I’ve seen he does a lot of that moralising family humor where he tells men and women how they should be living their lives properly.

I’m not looking to get into a fight over Hillary Clinton, but I’ll just note that Che’s joke about her likability plays into the profoundly misogynistic way he’s spoken about her on the show and in interviews for years, and to still be making jokes like that in December 2017 after the hellish year we’ve all just

No, it’s supposed to indicate slightly better than average as a <i>Walking Dead</i> episode, not better-than-average as a TV episode in general.

Well, obviously I don’t agree that it was pretty decent (and to be honest I find that opinion kind of baffling), but the bulk of my anger is directed less at the show and more at the stupid, petty decisions made by Perlmutter behind the scenes (both regarding this show and... everything else).

Well, obviously I don’t agree that it was pretty decent (and to be honest I find that opinion kind of baffling), but the bulk of my anger is directed less at the show and more at the stupid, petty decisions made by Perlmutter behind the scenes (both regarding this show and... everything else).

Thanks for these reviews, they’ve spared me the misery of having to watch beyond episode 3. That was as far as I could make it before rage-quitting. What a clusterfuck; Ike Perlmutter has spent years pushing the Inhumans in the comics, only to completely ruin any chance of them catching on in any other medium by

No, they should have written a narrative that makes any sense for either Gorgan or Karnak. What did any of this have to do with their time spent with surfer mercenaries or pot farms?

I’d say The Lobster was fairly funny. A lot of deadpan absurdity about how couples could only come about through incredibly frivolous, minor similarities. Or how Colin Farrell was dating that wonderfully awful lady who hated everyone and everything and he won her over by ignoring her when she pretended to choke to

That’s Dan Harmon for you. The reason everybody hates working with him is he’s just too smart.