
Trying to hold back the grumpyness, because an episode of Bob’s Burgers is always a treat. But I really didn’t love this one. When I heard about the fan-animated idea, I guess I pictured something more along the lines of Flu-ouise, at least as far as trippy animation would go. This just seemed like a bare bones plot


The problem isn’t that we need to know who was fired from a show, it’s that I wanted some commentary as to why. Telling us people left shows isn’t news- either we watch the show and know, or we don’t watch it and don’t care.

I kinda don’t get the anger over this announcement. Like yeah, Twitter needs moderation, for sure, but “wow how dare they focus on doubling tweet sizes instead of moderating hate speech” is kind of silly. Moderation is going to take staff and effort and time that they obviously either don’t want to do or find too

30 commenters so far, most complaining, none doing what needed to be done. You’re welcome.

I’m so glad web content producers have found a delivery format even more annoying than the slideshow. Hell, even one where every second slide is an advert would be preferable to this.

Wow, what a fucking waste of time. That shit music? They couldn’t even afford a narrator? Why not just, you know, write and article and post it instead of whatever this was?

Why was that video instead of text? There was no commentary; it was just words on a screen. It means you can’t watch it on your phone or read it discreetly at work and it uses a shitton more data. And makes your computer run hotter.

This absolutely needed to be a video, and could not have been presented as text I could read in 1/3 of the time.

presumably triggering an emergency call to the wheel-fixing guy.

Is Drew Carey wearing glasses again because no one would recognize him without them?

Wake up, Sheeple! Wheel can’t spin metal beams!

I can’t believe this is unintentional.

This is like complaining that there are too many genres of porn. You don’t have to jack it to everything, Albert!!!

I feel like every Games Done Quick event has at least one record broken - the Symphony of the Night one last SGDQ, for instance. Not that it’s something to regularly expect, but it’s fun when it happens. And yeah; it’s really lovely to see this community around gaming be so fundamentally good, with only the occasional

It’s a sign of the times that Burneko is yelling at people to get off of his TV instead of his lawn.

You seem stressed. Would you like a cup of tea? Maybe w/ a shot (or 7) of whiskey in it?

Now playing

GDQs have become some of my favorite events. The early hour runs of obscure/ridiculous games are always the most entertaining. This Pepsiman run is one of the best:

Games Done Quick is a twice-a-year indulgence that I adore every single time. There’s probably no world records being broken at them, but it is ridiculously fun watching these games being torn apart in front of a live crowd of people genuinely as fascinated and excited as I am. The bonus that it’s all done in the name

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