
This. Or it’s due to high-level execs listening to bad advice. No one is going to take the blame for that.

Thank you for publishing such a succinct and consumer-friendly article. Makes real clear, real quick whether this game is for me.

You’re one of the most insightful writers on Kotaku. Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts on games and the stories and experiences they convey. 

You know what show I’d really like to see Kotaku review? The Deuce.

Final Fantasy VI is what made me believe video games and I’ll probably log more than 100 hours on FXV but I feel a need to call attention to glaring issues that haven’t gotten a lot of press. (And this is coming from someone with a background investigative, national and community journalism). feel we got the wool

I love playing Final Fantasy XV, but be honest: The plot falls apart way before the third act. Specifically, when you lose the car in chapter 5 for unclear reasons. I feel we got the wool pulled over our eyes with this one: They front-loaded the game with solid stuff that will keep players from getting to the part