
Does this help? I’m still awed that Pluto and Charon changed from mysterious smudges of light to these beautiful things. Didn’t expect that in my lifetime.

I kind of get you. I mean, I’m like, “eh, it’s a nice image of Saturn,” but to me, it’s more cool that “dude, this was a probe out there doing work for 13 years!”

May have been a joke. Not remotely funny.

You are dumb, lazy and inappropriate, your joke is dumb, lazy and inappropriate and you can FUCK RIGHT OFF.

Nah, not really. You think you did, but what you really did was make yourself look like a jackass.

Your joke is bad and you should feel bad.

Grow the fuck up, child. You literally barged into a room and went “POOP!” for attention like a child. Seriously, fuck way off.

It wasn’t very good, though.

You don’t get to tell someone else to “grow a sense of humor” when you just made the laziest, most played-out joke possible.

Definitely a joke.

Fuck off. If this is a joke, it’s not funny.