

First part of my comment was a bit troll. Sometimes when tuning the bro-banter commences “Think it’ll bang, or flame?”

Presumably if you’re on this website you have some knowledge of vehicle dynamics and the ability to predict your cars reaction to various conditions. This unfortunately puts you in the minority, amongst most drivers out on the roads traveling from A to B. I think people often severely underestimate just how basic most

So when a tuned car is run slightly rich for wiggle room... but maybe a little bit for the bonus snapcracklepop?

That’s... the point.

One of my personal favs.

Again, see my other responses above.

a RWD or FWD vehicle with snows is at least as good as AWD/4WD with all-seasons for forward grip on reasonable grades

Trailing off, brake dab, lift, flick, POWER = Colin?

How is this always the default response.


I think perhaps the only belief more annoying than people feeling they need AWD because they live north of California, is the emerging belief that nobody needs, or can benefit significantly from AWD. But tires bro, snow tires bro, there’s been tests!

I like this one.

He’s like a guy who won the lottery (sort of), flipped everyone off at his workplace, but then still has to wait in the lobby for his Uber...

Also, it’s difficult to call any particular layout “best” since it’s still very much a balancing act with these systems. The GTR is unique and has some advantages and disadvantages, like you say. It’s been that way for a while. The Group A Escort Cosworth used a more conventional longitudinal system (with the diagonal

Not arguing with your perception of driving the cars, but the fact that it relates to PMI, or is inherent to the design. What you feel is the norm. The stock weight distribution actually works in the Evo’s favour, with it’s 100:0-50:50 torque splitting and, yes, electronic aids. Weight transfer of course plays a big

Still a largely false perception due to the layout (Front, Longitudinal, Overhang) fueled by every Audi discussion ever... (Though even their 4cyls get a bit of a bad rap). Subaru 4s have a relatively low PMI compared to many transverse AWD cars. Yet the obvious comparison, of course, remains the Evo... since they are