
Eh. I’m not claiming that the benefits would be naught, but when you say that modern turbo engines “simply design around (lag) with smaller/more turbos” it still sounds like we’re looking back to the 90s/2000s. Just in the 2010s improvements in turbo tech and the endless flexibility of modern mapping (employed by mfgs

No way torque fill is improving the speed of a modern turbocharged car “radically” at any speed. As another comment below you mentioned, this would mainly benefit high-strung NA engines at low/medium speeds where they are using a fraction of their peak power/torque... I’m not sure I would consider this benefit as

>we’ve forgotten what it’s like to have good throttle response

I don’t doubt it.

Ehhh... “big” might be a stretch, though they do seem to sell.

Finland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Argentina... Come to think of it, just about everywhere outside FIA land, and the more “uppity” rallies... Though Germany does get crowds (in their spectator areas...)

“I’m not convinced it’s superior to a set of snow tires”

I usually tend to agree... but as I said above, these short, action-packed and dramatic videos are a great rally-pill for the masses. I quite like them as well.

These videos are perfect for rally-pilling people.

DJI’s partnership with the WRC is a complete no-brainer.

This video and article.

Oh fantastic, another invitation for moribund politi-

More is better of course, and the rally aftermarket on cars like GD and GC Subies is massive. (Something to keep in mind if you want to avoid custom fab).

Well as an AWD supremacist...

Oh... I’m sorry.

You ain’t from round heah, are ya comrade.

>Wikipedia says they’re centrists

Have you driven loose surface/rx before?
