
I somehow knew even before checking Google that this guy went to Duke.

King me!

LT quit on his team in a playoff game against the Patriots

The irony of President Trump and his ilk being able to spout of whatever bullshit they like with zero consequence because they’re just “tellin it like it is” while literally anyone that says anything against them has to apologize and grovel for fear of an angry backlash from mouth-breathing morons is... well, I don’t

When do I get an apology for “Who’s Now”

Not to break the poignancy of the moment, but...it’s not like they’ve given you a lot of options.....

How do you leave a toaster on? What kind of fancy ass toaster you using?

But the catcher threw to 3rd base, not the pitcher.

*Off* the field, meanwhile, you’re supposed to wait until the rubber is on the pitcher.

wow. someone’s in the pocket of big danish.

On a per-minute basis, he lost almost as much money as Rick Pitino.

Year 1: Bad player

Scene: Gronk on his deathbed.

Get off my eLawn!

Ah it’s not that bad. Don’t get me wrong, I will never watch that shit and I’m definitely not a “fan.”

Counterpoint: it is you that is shit.

“Hot Damn! Once a Cowboy, always a Cowboy!”

Irvin’s lawyer told TMZ that these latest allegations are completely false: “You expect the public to believe that Michael Irvin had drugs and *gave* them to another person rather than use them all himself?”