
KD, upon realization that Boogie would undoubtedly win the fight, promptly teamed up with Boogie in the pursuit of himself.

“You can try movin on all you want. He’s gonna find yah. Back in 83', Olivia and I packed up Peyton and Coop, in the middle of the night, and hightailed it up to Minneapolis. 9 days later, we are awoken by a horrible shriek downstairs. I kid you not, we find Eli stuck, one arm and one leg through the doggie door,

It’s almost as if he took a reasonable amount of time to consult with an attorney before making a public statement.

Wow, I would’ve expected Bisciotti to be the dunkee.

Well then you’ll be angry and one handed, but at least you’ll be full.

Just an excuse to post a picture I took in San Antonio.

Maybe not, but Browns fans are certainly used to being chopped and screwed.

This is what happens when you only breed female raptors.

“Too much fucking culture if you ask me”

Why doesn’t the NBA mind the player-for-a-day thing when it comes to Derrick Rose?

Here comes some more LaVar Ball criticism about LeBron not caring about his seed.

I believe Quad-Dong is now the accepted colloquial term.

Liberty Bell: “Tell me about it.”

At the risk of igniting internet controversy, what, exactly, makes a horse elite?

Apply with both hands, but in a really weird way that creates almost no rotation.

You should see him shoot - nothing but nyet.

This reminds me of the time I killed that guy and put his body in the RV

These Hangover sequels are getting more and more preposterous.