Can you imagine how awful the internet would be on the day that LeBron James refuses to visit the Trump White House?
Did this. Something really awful is happening to the American psyche.
The Browns should trade up to get him if they can but they’ll want to sit him behind a veteran for a year or two until they can get some weapons to build around.
The nation’s uncles are lining up to tell you that “it’s called capitalism!”
If Dan Gilbert keeps fucking the rust belt like this, he might just wind up president of the United States.
Depends if you consider The Regime a reference or not.
Aaron Hernandez is stroking his chin and nodding slowly.
I DO wish I was home with a big bag of potata chips.
I was expecting the podium to do some robotic swiveling or something. But when you say it moves, you mean that it can be picked up and carried away by 2 men of average build. And you found that to be noteworthy. Did you get any footage of the folding chairs?
I hate how people have to read emails from twitter eggs and say “everyone is entitled to their opinion!” Why should we entitle people to shitty, sexist, retrograde opinions? I would like to hear her producer say “your stupid opinion is not entitled to our de facto respect.”
People aren’t intimidated by Obama’s secret service. I alone can fix!
Cousin Sal wants to know the over/under on the House mentions.
I can now tell my grandchildren that I watched my team lose in extra innings of the 7th game of the World Series twice in my life.
Damn. That place is empty.
+1 side of bacon
That is so dumb and funny.
Can verify that this sucks and is not tasty.
When that message comes from an official armed forces account, it's not hard to see a subtext.